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So I have 53 pounds of LR between 4 pieces. I stacked 3 on one side of the tank and have a lone piece on the other side. That lone piece has had a bunch of aiptasia on it, which I hit with Aiptasia-X about a week ago. It totally disappeared, but I noticed two nights ago that it has come back, all mutilated and such. Should I keep hitting it with Aiptasia-X or should I just grab a peppermint shrimp? Or should I do something completely different? Thanks in advance,


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I had a very large break out of aptasia when I first set up my tank; it was an established tank when I bought it. We dipped the live rock in ro/di water for about 10 minutes and apparently it killed off the aptasia and we discovered by the dip that we had a bristle worm infection as well.

If you are referring to "cycling" that's the first 4-8 weeks after setting up the tank. . .


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If you're just sitting up the tank, make sure you get rid of them for good before you start stocking it. Trust me, they can be very difficult to get rid of. Also, you may want to try Berghia Nudibranches.

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Well I'm on my 4th week, but I've already had spikes and everything is reading 0 now with the exception of nitrates which are at about 10 ppm. I put in 10 snails and 10 hermits yesterday. I just find it strange that they aren't coming back healthy, but all mutilated.

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I would think you would not get much of a spike of a cycle if you RODI dip the rock. The vinegar route I took worked the first time I applied. I have read of the pickling lime method also and it seems to work from what I read. Fresh lemon juice in a syringe is supposed to work also.

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Make sure the are peppermints ( I belive the others are hump back). Also, I had them and they didn't eat any of my aiptasia. That was after a re-infestation from not inspecting a new coral. I used Joe's Juice and they are now extinct!


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I had a very large break out of aptasia when I first set up my tank; it was an established tank when I bought it. We dipped the live rock in ro/di water for about 10 minutes and apparently it killed off the aptasia and we discovered by the dip that we had a bristle worm infection as well.

If you are referring to "cycling" that's the first 4-8 weeks after setting up the tank. . .


Naw, meant the ro dip thing you had referred to, I could have googled it I guess. Thanks for the info though. I will try this when move all my stuff over since I have no corals attached to any of my rock, they are all on frag plugs or small rubble. My tank looks horrible since I moved it and everything is looking very weak except the fish and shrimp. Im going to do another watch change today and check all the levels to find out wth is going on in there.

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Heres a question. I removed a rock that had the aipstasia on it, and took a knife and tried to cut him off the rock.....well like a traditional noob at getting rid of these things, punctured it most likely. The rock had my GSP on it, next day GSP dead as a door nail. Im assuming that nem put off some sort of defensive toxin that killed my GSP....ya think? Either way the rock with the nem on it is history along with my GSP. I havent seen any more of those pesky ba$tards in there so hopefully lucky. Now to get rid of the cyano....

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Make sure the are peppermints ( I belive the others are hump back).

They are very easy to tell the difference between the two, as Peppermint shrimp do not have "white" in their pattern -



Camel -


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I just bought some nudi's - I'll let you know how it works out in a few weeks (takes a bit for them to build up a population). I tried everything else - nothing worked and I've now got some HUGE aiptasia :(.

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So I had taken the wrock out that had the aiptasia on it, and stuck it in a ziploc bag and set it in the garage (no water) for 3 days. Last night I stuck it back in the tank since I figured the nem was dead and so was the GSP and I woke up in the middle of the night and checked it out....BINGO green fingers everywhere! Cant believe that stuff lived through that! Blooing like crazy now. I would think the nem is dead though, ya think????

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The nudi's are working!!!! After only a few days I see way less aiptasia. I was also able to see one of my little guys out and about tonight. I have high hopes for being able to pass them on when they're done. I'm thinking $5-10 (I paid $20/each considering shipping). LMK if you're interested. At this rate, they may be done way sooner than I thought biggrin.gif

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