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Group buys


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Mods, please let me know if im out of line in discussing this, but i have noticed a large drop in Group buy traffic since the new policy has been put into place. I know that the intentions behind the new policy are good, and that we should support our sponsors over other companies. However, i feel the effect of the current policy has only been to reduce the number of group buys (to all vendors). Secondly, due to the fact that our sponsors only deal with certain items (and no online sponsor sells fish), we are severely limited to what we can group buy. If there was a way that only ARC supporters could access an open group buy forum, i feel like that would be the best outcome.

Sorry if i have offended anyone, but this is just an observation i have come across.


p.s. i am only asking this question, as i feel that as a reef club we should try to maximize both our use of our sponsors, and the utility of the club to its members. I am in no way trying to criticize the current ARC leadership, as i know they dedicate a lot of time ensuring the site keeps operating.

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I haven't been here long but I was told it was a great place to do GB's with local guys. So far I've seen one GB (I joined after the policy was put in place) so.. yeah I think I see your point pretty clearly.

I see ARC's side of it too though. :/

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I just want to add in that I've been noticing the same thing. I always try to buy first from our sponsors, but there are some items I would love to do a group buy on that none of our sponsors sell.

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I think the GB drop off is directly related to Vivid not being a sponsor.

I think there may also be a correlation between GBs and the season/time of the year. Better weather means more people out playing vs looking at their tank and thinking "Hrm, I think I need that new LE, Ultra grade, Super edition, only available at XYZ store....wonder if anyone wants to split shipping?"

The other part is it seems GBs occur in waves and we may just be in a trough.

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I think there may also be a correlation between GBs and the season/time of the year. Better weather means more people out playing vs looking at their tank and thinking "Hrm, I think I need that new LE, Ultra grade, Super edition, only available at XYZ store....wonder if anyone wants to split shipping?"

The other part is it seems GBs occur in waves and we may just be in a trough.

I believe what Robb said is a big part of it.

Even before the new rules were put in place, there was a big drop in the number of group buys occurring.

We strive to strike a balance between the desires of both the ARC members and our sponsors. Not the easiest thing to do at times :)

We will keep evaluating this decision as time goes on.

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