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Weird Things Growing


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Hey guys, So I am just getting off work and my wife and i notice that i have a crab in my tank. Hmm don't remember buying a crab and don't know what kind it is (any ideas?) Also i have these weird looking worms growing and slithering around only at night, what are they and are they good, bad or ugly? LOL thanks...



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Hard to see the crab but off hand it looks like an emerald crab. If so it's good for the reef.

Second pic appears to be a bristleworm. Some debate on if they are good or pest. I used to have a lot and didn't mind them unless they were huge. Then I would find a way to get them out... that was just me though, no real reason behind it other than "dang that's big!" I think they do well to clean up the tank at night.

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Thanks, really appreciate it. Sorry i tried to get a good pic of the crab but he kept running back into his little hole. of what i can see at this point the one in the pic is the biggest worm i have.

Thanks for your input Bry!

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That first crab looks like he can cause trouble in the tank. I don't think it's an emerald crab, almost looks like a dungeness but probably unlikely.

That worm doesn't look like a bristleworm to me either. The coloration is off (usually red and black, this one is greenish) and instead of spikes on it's side like a bristleworm, it looks like nubs or legs. Look up Oenone Fulgida. I hope it's not them, they are trouble from what I hear.

Sorry Bry, wasn't trying to 2nd guess, just what it looks like to me.


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The black Pincers remind me of a stone crab. Where did your rock come from?

The worm looks like a bristle worm of some sort, not the common red/pink kind we see though. I would be suspect of him until you can get a better pic or identification.

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That crab looks like BAD news I had 2 that I found in my tank and they got big and tried to get my fish.. I started noticing my fish were like terrified when the lights came on... one day I saw that thing and they were scattered away from his area... got him caught and put in sump fish are all fine and none have injuries or missing tail pieces or anything.. that guy looks like mine and he was BAD news

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Agree on the crab; looks bad.

To catch the crab, put a glass jar at a 45deg angle up against a rock near where he hides. Put some food in the jar. In theory, he'll be able to get in but not out due to the smooth inside of the jar. Then you can re-home him somewhere.

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Thanks everyone for your answers, as of now i don't see the crab causing any harm to the fish around him. but i will re-home him in my sump just to be on the safe side. I bought the live rock from a ARC member who was shutting down the tank. Still trying to get a good picture of the worm. Went to aquatek today and saw the same worm in there tank, the little ones in my tank are pink and the bigger one is more of a greener tint.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just saw this and thought of your post:

Since you can see it better than the camera is getting it now, maybe this will help a bit.

The crab is suspect but who knows at this point. Many crabs can mess up a tank so probably best to catch & QT until you can ID it. I did have an emerald crab once that wasn't perfectly green as most are seen, it's claws were also dark. Anything is possible with that one I guess.

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