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Newbie question - Gorgonian


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I brought home a gorgonian Tuesday which was sort of an impulse buy. I knew I wanted one but hadn't learned all about them yet. Anyway, at the LFS I was told that it is not photosynthetic and needs to be fed. After doing some research I'm not so sure. :hmm: I will attach a picture of it, does anyone recognize what type this is? I read that the colorful ones are the ones that are not photosynthetic. This one just looks like a common brown one. I have it at the bottom of my tank now and it will probably not get enough light if it's a photosynthetic one so I'll need to move it.

Also, just in general, what symptoms to corals tend to show if they aren't getting the light they need?


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Since it's my seahorse tank I only have a 96w compact flourescent. And the tank is 28" deep. I can see how it does down there I just wasn't sure what to look for if the light wasn't enough. I'd sure like to keep it there!

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Im no expert on gorgonians but I do have a couple in my tank. If the polyps are brown then they are photosynthetic. I usually feed mine 2-3 times a day. Dont let any algae grow on it at all as this has proven to be fatal for one of my gorgonians...

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Thanks for the advice. Do you feed it phyto 2-3 times per day? I've read about not letting any kind of algae grow on it. It's in a place where it's getting pretty good flow, but I'll certainly be keeping an eye on it.

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