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BTA splitting....


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Two years ago at the ARC frag swap I picked up a small BTA. Well, it has done really well in my tank and in the last 9 months has actually split a few times and I now have 5. They are all hanging out on the same rock and have never wandered far from the orignal BTA. Is it alright to leave them all where are or do I need to rehome some of them?

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Hi Mama. Things are going great. Not sure why the BTA is doing so well and splitting...not really doing anything extra for them!! :) None of mine have been wanders either.

Deanna!!! How are you?? and congrats on the BTA splits...I want to tag along on this thread as I have my RBTA's all moving along and settling close to each other. I see not issues so far, but hope to have non??

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from what i know rbta's like to congragate together if its the same linage like my 2 superman rose stay together but the other one ( not superman) stays away. if your getting rid of one i might be interested lmk

Edited by wizardx322
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