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Water Parameter Questions


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My name is Rob and I've been in the CENTEX area 7 almost 8 years. I am new to the ARC, and fairly new to SW (setup 1 apr 06). I basically took over a 6 month old tank so never had much of a cycle.

I have a 180g with an Emporor 400 (removed the filters and bio-wheels from the Empoer today before my partial so it now acts basically as a circulation pump), an Eheim 2217 canister with nothin in it but a bag of carbon, I removed the other bio-media last weekend. I have been using the ASM G-3 for 2 weeks in a simple sump with the Eheim 1262 for the return and a Lifereef 700gph overflow, and 3 power heads for circulation ( a MJ1200, and 2 - Penguin 660s).

Lights suck for now (2 - 24" 20w Day-Glos, and 2 - very old 24" 20w 50/50s. I ordered a 72" Outer Orbit that will be here Tues that has 3 - 150w HQI 10k, 4 - 96w dual Actinic PCs, and 8 moon LEDs)

In the tank are 3 small tangs, cherub angel, royal gramma, red spotted hawkfish, yellow watchman goby, small yellow stripe/maroon clown, a condy anenome, a toadstool frag (got it yesterday) a few mushrooms, and a small frag of some tiny polyps. All livestock is feeding well (some too well) and look healthy and happy.

I do a 40g water change about every other week, I have little to no algae anymore (use RO/DI water)

I do water tests at least weekly (try) and this is where I have concerns. As of 17 Apr (mini-cycle over) parameters were:

PH 8.2

Temp 83

NH3NH4 0 ppm

NO2 0 ppm

NO3 0 ppm

SG 1.023

Today, a couple hour after the water change they are as follows:

PH 7.8 (started dropping 20 may - 8.0, then 27 may 7.8 where it has stayed til now)

Temp 82

NH3NH4 0 ppm

NO2 0 ppm

NO3 20 ppm (went up 2 may and been there since, I removed bio-media from Eheim Canister last weekend, and Emporor 400 filters and bio wheels today before water change because of this)

SG 1.025

Calcium 420 ppm

Alk 4.23 (11.8 DKH) a little high? First time testing today

well to end this before I get long winded (LOL)

1. I would like to bring the PH up a little even though all in Reef Central say it is ok at 7.8

2. why is Alk so high?

3. Is there a relation of the high Alk and the Low PH?

4. Are there any numbers here cause for concern? Or better yet what if these were your numbers, what would you do?

I look forward to attending one of your meetings in the near future and start doing some frag buying, since I hve nothing yet to trade (unless someone wants a red spotted hawkfish, he makes me want to flush him jk the way he steals food from my anenome)

Also I have to say I made a trip to Austin (i'm in Kempner) last weekend to checkout some LFS's, bought 2 Tangs at River City and man that place Rocks, I will be back soon (gotta wait for the lights)

Thanks all for listening and any/all input is greatly appreciated!


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hey there Rob, those numbers all look fine. i wouldnt worry about the Ph so much 7.8 is fine for fish only. it would probably be good to test it morning and evening a couple of times to determine the PH swing. Ph falls over night when the CO2 levels climb. if your low is 7.8 you are fine. if you are getting 7.8 in the evening before the lights go out then it may be falling to 7.6 or lower by morning. temp is a little high. you can lower that with fans.

Welcome to ARC


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