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Needed IT help


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Howdy all. I recently moved to a new house in Georgetown with a detached house. The detached house is too far for my WiFi signal to reach but luckily the builder put in a conduit to run tv/phone/cable to the detached house. I work from home and need the internet in the detached house. I have run some Cat5 line through the conduit but now I need to attach it to the main house and the detached house, along with attaching the cat5 to my router. Anyone care to help me one day this week after work? Any help would be appreciated. I have some small frags and homebrew if you are interested (or cash).

PM me for details.


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Yeah, I've thought about that but the router is in my closet with 2 exterior walls to broadcast through. Also, the trench has been dug, and the conduit has been laid, and I've pulled some Cat5 already, so it is really just a matter of hooking it up.

Plus, the Cat5 line was free and a directional antenna is $100 plus the adapter for my airport extreme.

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Hi Chris, I need 2 things basically. I need to crimp/splice the cables at the detached house and at the main house and to identify the line that runs from the satellite to the router. All the wires in the house terminate into my closet, therefore, I need to figure out which one runs to the outside (source). Both houses are wired, I just need to connect the 2. I have run the cat5 to the detached house as well.

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Great. I think that I may not need it but I'd like to try it just in case. All the wires terminate into my closet and all the outgoing wires are connected to a "ground block / distribution hub" I'm not sure if that is for phone or internet, but it would be worth a shot.

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