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anem questions


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so I bought my first bubble tip and 2 clowns last night at RCA.. question is, how do you get the thing to attach? do you superglue them or just let them decide where they want to go? I placed it on the rock, but the current ended up picking it up. It floated for a bit and now has ended up in a "cave" behind some rocks. Should I be worried? Should I move it?

Thanks for the help! :)

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Generally if you turn off your current for a few minutes you just hold the anemone where you want it. After about 2 minutes they will "cling" lightly to whatever you've placed them on. Check to see if they've begun to stick, you may have to hold them longer. Another 5 minutes and you can usually turn the pumps back on and they will stay put. That however does not mean that they won't begin to crawl all over the place. An anemone that refuses to stick right away may show signs of being on the way out as expressed above. Floating anemones are the worst. If you just leave them to float they become fodder for pumps. Either being sucked into your overflow, thus causing your sump to overfill the DT, or worse becoming anemone soup in your powerheads.

I like to stick my anemones on the glass up near the top of the water. They can then move to where they want to go. This can still lead to them stinging corals but I've found that they tend to stay on the glass where I put them.

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