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Waste Water (Saltwater) Uses?


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Many nutrients for use with hydroponics are salt based and epson salt (a little different) is recommended for soil plants. So maybe a little is good for your lawn. I have been pouring my skimmer water on some weeds in my yard and I have yet to kill them, actually they are thriving b/c of the nutrient in the water. I have a septic so I just dump it down the drain but I don't think that using city waster water disposal that it would ever be a problem dumping it down the drain, as soon as it leaves your home plumbing it is mixed with other waste water and is immediately diluted.

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Good point about the salting up north. I lived in Utah, Nebraska and Ohio growing up. Lots of salting not just roads but sidewalks and driveways too. Plantd still grew in the spring. I think the road mixes now contain more than just salt, but I remember salting down walk ways and stairs as a kid with actual salt.

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Too funny Clint!

Honestly I think pouring it down the drain is the most environmental thing to do. The water is treated before being released into the Colorado River. Then it used downstream by farmers. When we are in drought putting it down the drain helps more than pouring it in the gutter.

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Wonder what it does to spectic... We have a well that we pump to a holding tank for the livestock and coop water to the house. Gray water runs out the hillier side of our property into the pasture where it can drain, everything else runs into our septic. No treatment plant for any of our water. I usually just dump the saltwater down the front sidewalk. So far, it isn't killing anything. I have a huge buffalo gourd plant growing right off the front walk in the direct path of the saltwater. Course, being as rural as I am I don't bother with anything as frivalous as water guzzling grass (no Jonses to keep up with). Our 'yard' is primarily native grasses and weeds, all of which gets mowed by the horses and cows far more often than by me!!

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