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Metal Halide bulb question


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So this is a ridiculous thing to admit, but I have no idea whether or not my metal halides are 150w or 250w. :) I got the fixture off my brother-in-law used and the box and instructions that he provided me with say that the bulbs are 150w HQIs (DE). However, I purchased 2 150w DE HQIs and they are both too short and have the wrong connection on the bulb. In looking around online, the bulbs in the fixture look like 250w DE HQIs. I don't see any wattage listed on the bulbs. Does anyone have a 250w DE I can borrow to test my theory?

Here's a picture of the bulb I pulled out:


Here's what the 150w bulb I bought looked like:


Here's what the 250w bulb from the same sight looks like:


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Yes you do have the two bulbs labeled correctly and a 250 watt socket. Looks like you have your bulbs mismatched with the ballast and for some reason they still fire. If the amps is 1.8 that means it pulls about 200 watts. It is not unusual for a ballast to use more watts/power than it takes to push the bulb, especially if this is a magnetic ballast. I can't tell you how to identify a magnetic or e ballast except normally the electronic will actually use the words electronic somewhere and magnetic will not say magnetic.

If you are interested I am pretty sure I have a new pair of 150 watt posts I'd sell ya $15. We might have to meet in the middle someplace to get them to you though.


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Very odd. I guess Current USA makes a fine product :lol:

From researching a bit online, it appears the ballast is electronic. I admit I don't have much electrical knowledge. What are the pros/cons to just continuing to use 250w bulbs? I've been using this fixture for a few months and even with the old, mismatched bulbs my SPS seem pretty content.

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Yeah, I think it's probably just best to stick with what has been working. I always thought the fixture had 150w bulbs, so in a sense I guess I'm getting a little bit of a bonus.

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