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Fraging anemones


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I've fragged a few and here are the guidelines I use:

Have prepared:

safety razor

a supply of fresh saltwater (should be aged at least 24 hours and match the PH, SG and temp of the water the nem is in.

a set aside an 'in tank' (may be in sump) recovery area (a) where the nem won't be bothered Recovery area should have light and a gentle current. (I use a tupperware container with light difuser strapped to the top. I ensure there is a gentle current flowing through the container.

a couple containers (b) of a size to rinse the fragged nems in

a container © prepared with the saltwater mentioned above to hold both nems for 1-3 hours (very gentle current and temperature stable)

a clean freshly rinsed surface to cut on

Take the nem and acclimate to the freshly made saltwater

Place some of the saltwater in the two containers

Remove nem from saltwater and place carefully on the cutting surface

Use the razor to bisect the nem across the mouth. (both sides should wind up with half of the mouth) (you can frag into more pieces but I recommend only 2)

Move each nem into one of the containers (b) and rinse gently.

Move both nems to container © for recovery. Within just a few hours the nems should show signs of recovery and stabilization

Move both nems to your 'in tank' recovery area (a)

In my experiences nems appear 50 -90% recovered within 3 - 5 days. I usually maintain in the recovery container for a minimum of 10 days.

NOTE: Depending on the anemone and your sensitivity gloves may be needed.

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