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Engineer goby's Good or EVIL


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It all started with my mandarin,1 day he's here the next day gone.Months go by 2 firefish gone, another month goes by and my purple psuedo disapears, Thats when i got mad and threw my yellow tonga brittle in the sump. month goes by and wendsday of last week my 3 inch coral beauty gone without a trace. I would have never suspected this GOBY has the feeding habits of a green moray. Is this my predator a 12" engineer GOBY,Please HELP i want to start replacing my fish. I have an ORA true percula and a lemon damsel left.


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Well, if you hadn't listed the purple pseudo among the dead I'd have been inclined to point a finger at it, I had one take exception to a Coral Beauty, harrassing it to death, then started on a Bicolor when the decision to tear apart the tank and remove it was made. I too am wondering how long the tank has been set up and running, I want to see 'pods and bugs and stuff for the Mandarines and Fire gobies. Also with the time scale you mentioned it's quite possible the deaths are totally unrelated.

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I'd still bet on it being the brittle star. I've had a 3" coral beauty disappear without a trace as well, and I didn't have an engineer goby. If you have a cleanup crew and a fish dies it's amazing how quickly that cleanup crew can dispose of it.

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The tanks been going for a little over a year, all inhabitants listed above were origanaly in my nano,before i upgraded to the bowfront. By the way, I had no idea it was so hard to photograph the engineer,i think he's camera shy.

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Mine hasn't acted at all threateningly toward any of the other tank critters.. he makes quite a mess competing with the eel over who is the better digger, buries any coral I put on the sand, but otherwise he's a pretty decent citizen.

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