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Club Equipment - PAR Meter


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There are some tools you would really like to use, but don't need on any regular basis, for example light meters.

When you change lighting setups, replacing/altering bulb arrangements, or are wondering what kind of role your lights are playing in your system (ie: corals are growing great and you want to duplicate this config or they are suffering and you want to rule out lighting)

Any way you look at it, it's not likely that you will be measuring your lighting condition once a week, once a month, at best maybe once a year.

A $350 tool sure would be nice, but it's a bit pricey for the rarity of use.


So, now after the build up, here's the thought:

Is anyone interested in getting together for a club shared piece of equipment?

If we could get a few of us together and chip in to buy a device like this one from Apogee for $335 we could reduce the price significantly.

Only 10 of us would turn that into a manageable $35 each with shipping. Obviously, more people means a lighter load.

For those that didn't contribute and are registered members, for a reasonable fee (say $10 bucks, plus a refundable deposit) they can rent it.

The original contributors would have to get on the waiting list, like any other "renting" member, but would not have the fee, but the deposit would still apply (minus their original contribution)

The rental money could go back into the club fund for meetings, raffles, general up keep, what ever the club needs.

The details of how the fair use, distribution, and any fees can be ironed out later. (I'm sure there are many existing models to choose from)

Just wanted to get a feel for interest.


As for use among the initial contributors, does order of sign up seem fair? Or would you prefer a lotto? Maybe a glatiator style dual? :D

Contributors in order of sign-up:

  1. tmelhiser
  2. Rjohn
  3. derry
  4. cmanning
  5. wayneb
  6. mcallahan
  7. Robb in Austin
  8. KeeperOfTheZoo
  9. dweyant
  10. Zarathustra2
  11. Genesis1:21

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I think this is a great idea....there's a few gadgets that only get used once in a while, for ex: fish traps (different sizes)---I know for a fact I have 2 different traps that have been passed around; and they do come in handy. If we get enough members to join on this one...I'm in.


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Great, it looks like we are over half way to the target of 10 people. If we get more than 20, I would suggest that we get 2 or some other equipment to put into the pool. It would be nice to get more, but does everyone agree that 10 should be the minimum number to move forward? With too many contributing to the one device, it makes it difficult for the rental model to work fairly.

This looks like a pretty good model to build from.

Since the primary goal of this device is not a money making endeavor, we may talk about altering the rates, $10 bucks a day (as in the forms from the model) is a little steep (IMHO) but does promote prompt use and return.

We can do a graduated scale. Initial contributors get 1 week without any fees. From there, they start the fee scale just like any other "member renter".


week 1: $17.50

week 2: $25.00

week 3: $35.00

week 4: $45.00


1 month total: $122.50

After one month and 1 week, (and if other users are awaiting its use) the deposit will be forfeit and a new device purchased.

We also may need to come up with delivery ideas.

I have several deliver ideas that I am ironing out and will post in more detail later.

In the mean time, any suggestions on adjusting the fees? Right now those numbers are based on getting 10 people per device (more initial folks make the rental numbers go down). On the assumption that you use it twice in a year (once to do initial tests and again during a bulb change). This equals two rentals per year for the initial contributors or just about the same fee as a "member renter" doing it twice as well. The plus to contributing is that you can use it more than twice a year and every year after that, you continue to use it.


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Oh, I don't know about this idea....

"Who broke the PAR meter?"

"Wasn't me."

"But you used it last."

"Hey, it was working just fine when I was done with it. You must have broken it."


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I'd be interested, especially since I just put in some new VHO lights that could use some testing as well.

What other equipment would be of value for occasional use like this?

I used to be in a dive club that had a collection of gear they rented to club members. For the most part it worked pretty well.


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Oh, I don't know about this idea....

"Who broke the PAR meter?"

"Wasn't me."

"But you used it last."

"Hey, it was working just fine when I was done with it. You must have broken it."


This is something that I put a little bit of thought into and it relates to the shipping/pickup/return of the device that I eluded to earlier.

So here goes:

I just finished talking with Shane over at Fishy Business. He is willing to be the Depot for this and future devices. This means that when you check it out, it will be in good order, when you return it, it will be tested. If it breaks in the mail (let's hope you insured it, or you just lost a deposit).

I will put together a ticketing/reservation system for checking things in and out.

This electronic form will let you see where it is currently, what the wait queue is, and when it will be back, or potentially shuffle spots with other users if you both agree to it.

By having a central depot that's not someones house, we should eliminate the "It worked when I had it!" Syndrome and "When can we meet!, I was there for 5hrs waiting, where were you" Syndrome!

Things to be aware of, as with any shared device, if you are the one responsible for it and are the person of record who has it checked out, and you let your buddy "Breaky McBrokeit" who's not a member or even if a member but not checked out to him, it's between you an "Breaky McBrokeit" to sort out how to repair it, but ultimately you are responsible for its well being.

There will be a formal "rental" sheet at Fishy Business or available for download if you want to take advantage of the mailing version.

When mailing, you will be responsible for shipping charges in addition to any applicable rental fees. (but for those of us long distances away, $15 in shipping, total, is a heck of a lot cheaper than the gas to and from), but I would simply schedule the time to come, much more fun!

This might make a good Chat room topic for tonight?


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I'm in!

Might be nice to think about some of those nicer colorimeter for testing too. Maybe?


-large water container for new set-ups

-tools for drilling glass (or building stands etc)

just some ideas

Another way that these "rental" fees may be useful for is additional "club tools" such as the ones that are listed here.

I have to agree the refractometer, or any tools that would be on a daily or weekly on going basis should probably not be on the list. There are always exceptions, but this is where the wonderful polls will come in VERY handy for future items... but let's get one ironed out first. And grow from there if it makes sense.

This is specifically one time or rarely used item that it makes sense.

More food for thought.

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