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Where do you keep your Meteor Shower Cyphastrea?


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I've got some Meteor Shower Cyphastrea that isn't dying off, but its all brown. Currently its on my sandbed below one of my 250W MH's and after moving under the light, away from the light, under ledges, etc, it doesn't want to color up.

So where does everyone keep their Meteor shower as the pics I've seen of people's frags - they look great!

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Ive got the same thing from vivid and mines doing well. 3 new polyps since I got it from you and its on the sandbed under 3 150w MH (2 14k 1 20k). It was brown from a day awhile back but then went back to the norm. No idea why though.

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I'm having the same issues as Mark, and it's a piece from Chad and Belinda so I know how good it can look. I put it directly under to 250watt and it didn't like it. Moved it to the shade and it didn't like it. Maybe it's a water quality issue, though all other corals are happy. Guess I'll just keep moving the lil' bugger around the tank every month and see how he likes it.


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I've notice in the past several LPS seem to do well where you 1st place it....but after a while they tend to either loose their color or they're not expanding as they use to. From my observation....our tank seems to be more of an SPS dominant tank....and I'd figure my SPS have double or triple in size and if this could be the cause for LPS to react---Chemical reaction from SPS? Any thoughts? Sorry, Mark didn't mean to hijack this thread.


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