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CORALS FOR SALE-The Breakdown Begins :-(


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Thanks Laura for the duncans. this is going to give me something to study for a while. i wish i could have gotten home sooner to acclimate them and watch them with the lights on. good luck with the breakdown!

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Great visit, fantastic tanks, and thanks for the duncan! Can't wait to get it into the tank.

And I definitely do see me setting up a seahorse tank down the road... loved looking at the horses you have.

(And is was nice running into Ric there also :) ).

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My duncan is floating. I got a rock all set up to glue his little butt to. It was nice seeing you again and I am so glad you're not getting out of the business. Nice to see you again SH. See yall Saturday if I get back from San Antonio in time.

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The duncan is doing very well. I noticed this morning (when the lights were off) that the main head was open really large. I think I might need to move it to a shadier spot in my tank for the day time. It is in the sand bed right now, but gets a lot of light. It doesn't open quite as large as I saw it this morning (of course I just went and did some quick research, and it is a low-to-medium light coral ... research James, research :wave: ).

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Thank you so much MAMA! i love the duncan! he looks awesome in my tank. :) your house is so beautiful and so are all of your tanks. thanks for taking us on a tour of them all. your seahorses are so cool. :) once again MAMA thank you for everything.

Everyone should pick up a frag of these duncans. they are so awesome :)

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Will you be bringing any of the breakdown with you to the meeting?

Oh...I wish I could...but I live not far from Cory's house...you can stop by anytime after the meeting or any other day!!

Just call ahead to make sure I am not at the mall...:)

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Thank you so much MAMA! i love the duncan! he looks awesome in my tank. :) your house is so beautiful and so are all of your tanks. thanks for taking us on a tour of them all. your seahorses are so cool. :) once again MAMA thank you for everything.

Everyone should pick up a frag of these duncans. they are so awesome :)

You guys were such a pleasure to talk to...best of luck with your wedding and may all good things come to you in life!!

You are welcome here anytime.........

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