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Tunicate turned black


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So, I just got a yellow and black tunicate. On transport to my aquarium it started sloughing off the outer layer of skin from itself. This is usually fairly normal from my understanding. However, in the last couple of days it has gone from mostly yellow with a couple of black spots to all black. I have it under a rock but near a power head so it should be getting enough flow and not too much light. I have not seen scavengers on it so I don't think it's dead (though how do you tell with a tunicate.) Any ideas out there. Any Tunicate experts that I haven't heard from yet?

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Yea. I think he pretty much got it for me. I'm setting up my tank for sponges and tunicates and this was my first test run. :)

I let it get a bit too much light on its first day i think. The other possibility is that it got out of the water and got some air in it during bagging and transport. Thats my current theory. I'm just wondering if anyone has ran into this and might now a fix after the fact.

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Yes, I love WWM and really recomend it for everyone. Maybe we should start a tunicate revolution when i figure out how to keep the buggers alive. :doh:

It was doing fine in Prof's frag tank until we brought it over to mine (a 5 minute drive with traffic.) It was looking very angry in the bag and has gone down hill from there. I floated for 15 minutes then did a standard bucket acclimatization over about an hour and kept the little guy under water the whole time.

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