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Checking Interest


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This is not directed at anyone specific, as I've seen it happen on more than one occasion (including other reef forums)....

What kind of a response are people looking for when they list something in the classifieds, provide no price, and list it as "checking interest"? Is it only for sale if someone provides a generous offer? I mean, anything will gather enough interest if it's priced right, won't it?

I'd like to recommend to the ARC admins that such posts be prohibited in the classifieds. No biggie, it's just a pet peeve of mine.

Edited by pbnj
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sorry i know i just did one, i just moved here and did not know if i would be able to sell anything if i fraged them, but after seeing all the responses i wont ever again, it actually turned out to be a waist of my time for doing it, and figured out to post when im ready to sell (turns out its a pain for everyone)

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I believe like in grimreefers case (I am assuming) That if there is no interest in his frags that he would not want to cut up his mother colonies. If there is a lot of responses then it would be more comfortable to go ahead and frag. I do believe that people should list the price and if they want to they could add obo. I could also see someone wanting to upgrade or down grade but doesnt want to if they cant sell their other stuff. These are just what came to me when I read the thread not a whole lot of thought into it.

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Just list your asking price. If it's priced right, it will sell. If it's priced too high, it won't.

Same with fragging colonies. List a price per inch and if someone wants it, you frag it. If not, no need to snip.

Even someone with tremendous interest will want to know a price.

Edited by pbnj
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