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Everything posted by runamukus

  1. Sounds okay to me - just shoot me an email and we can discuss. email is: [email protected]
  2. I'm going to be trimming back some of my encrusting gorgonian, which is pink in color - and it reminds me of Green Star Polyps but not green. I'm willing to give away the parts I cut away from the back of the tank - and if you feel like you have something you can trade, let me know, but it isn't necessary. I live in South Austin. In the image, look at the pink stuff on the back of the wall and on the rock in the middle...that is the encrusting gorgonian. I'm providing it unattached.
  3. What are the tanks conditions? Were they used for fresh or saltwater? Do they have scratches? Do they come with a standard lid?
  4. I have HOB overflow rated for 75-90 gallon tanks. I don't have a desire for such a large tank since I live on a 3rd floor apartment. I'm asking for $40. I'll also may accept a trade for a 29 gallon tank. (or offer me something, I may be flexible, but trading for 40 greenbacks is most desirable)
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