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Everything posted by runamukus

  1. Another question or two is what are the other tank inhabitants outside of fish? Do you have any corals that may contribute to polluting the tank chemically (something a test kit won't pick up)? What kind of filteration are you using? Do you have LR or a deep sand bed? You may be adding too many fish at once and are getting a spike which could kill already stressed fish. Oh and how big is the tank?
  2. I still have this item for sale. I'll take a trade for something as well. Something being a coral of some kind. Prefer zoos. Colorful mushrooms. Or greenbacks! Make me an offer, I might cave.
  3. I managed to make a mistake and purchased a yellow tang for my tank and realized later that I should not have done it. The tang is still small but he is growing up and I don't want it to stress out from being in an environment too small. SO My thinking is if someone has a cool smaller fish (something that will fit a 20 gal)I'd like to trade. That is if I can catch the bugger. He is really fast. Or maybe a really cool colored zoo? I like to have red zoos or blue zoos. Or maybe...well, you tell me what you have and I may be interested. But HURRY! He's growing fast! Okay, not THAT fast, but I do want to give him up to a larger home. And in case you didn't know, Tangs are supposed to be in tanks 75 gallons or more.
  4. It took my clowns almost 6 months before they figured out they had an anemone. Whenever I would see a tank with an anemone and clowns hosting it, I would get so envious. I remember I even printed out a pic of a clown in an anemone and posted it on the tank so they could see it. I don't know if it helped or not because they didn't seem to leave the hammer coral or mushrooms they loved hosting. Then one day, out of the blue, the male decided to sleep in the anemone. The female would continue to sleep in the mushrooms. After a few months, she decided she would join the male in the anemone. Now, they protect that anemone like I've never seen. Always chasing anything that gets close to it. How long have the clowns been around the RBTA? They may just need some time, they'll figure it out eventually.
  5. I have not blogged about my tank in a while so I thought I would give an update. I lost my pygmy angel. I woke up one morning to find the poor thing on the bottom of the sand getting picked at by a hermit crab. I shook the crab off of angel...and well...fed it to the anemone. I foolishly purchased a yellow tank (yes, I know my tank is WAY too small for a tang) and it is doing fine. When I got it, it was just a tiny little thing. It is growing rather quickly and I'm going to need to trade him off for something else soon. I did have something very odd happen. I had some acans in the middle of the tank. One morning I got up to find them missing. I could even see where it once sat in the middle of the tank due to the imprint in the sand. No marks in the sand or anything. In the past some of the crabs or snails may have pushed it a few inches...but this time it was gone. I moved rocks around looking for the acans and could not find them. So I'm thinking I may have some sort of predator in the tank. I did see a bristle worm (quiet large actually) in one of the rocks a few times. Its the kind that looks like a freaking centipede. Scared the living crap out of me when I saw it. I'm wondering if it ate my acans. Who knows. Then I moved one of my mushrooms to the same location where the acans disappeared. I wake up the next morning to find it missing! This shroom is not small, about 4 inches across. I couldn't believe my eyes. Then I noticed the mushroom on top of a rock. HOW DID THAT GET THERE?!!? Then I notice, OMG, the mushroom was not attached to a rock, but to a shell and one of the hermits decided to make the shell with the shroom its new home. So now I have a mushroom moving all over the tank.
  6. i would be interested but I'm having some problem finding pics and full specs. Can you link me or tell me about it?
  7. I don't have a biocube at all. I'm wanting to rig a skimmer up onto my HOB refugium.
  8. I'm looking for a SMALL skimmer -and something cheap. I have a 20g tank with a HOB refugium, but I need something to help skim the surface of the water. I have that surface scum that drives me crazy. I think it is protein buildup - but my setup doesn't have an overflow thingamado. You know, the thing that is like a cup and the water drains into it and so it is taking the surface of the water so the filters can remove all the junk from it.
  9. When I first got my anemone, the clowns ignored it. Then after about 5 months, the male suddenly realized what it was and went from the frogspawn to the anemone. The female still thinks the orange mushrooms are her home during the day...but she is sleeping with the male in the anemone at night. I'm I understand now why they call them clown fish. I'm not sure what kind of HOB fuge it is. A friend of mine gave it to me and it looks like a home made job. Its about 13 inches tall, 22 inches wide (fits on my 20 gal perfectly) and 4 inches deep. I have pump in the main tank pumping the water into the fuge, and it is gravity fed back into the tank. I have macro algae and about 6 inches of sand. I threw a few small rocks back there for pods to hide in. Before the return, I placed a carbon pad (the type you cut to fit) and a phosphate pad (the type you cut to fit) and use those two pads as a filtering device to keep any algae from the refugium going back into the main tank. So far it is working like a charm.
  10. I got my two clowns moved from the old tank along with their home, mr green as I call him. Big anemone. Or at least big to me. The refugium on the back is working wonders! I have all zeros in my main tank (0, ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate). I wish I would have done a hang on back refuge a LONG time ago. I HAD algae growing in the main tank, but then it died off rather quickly. The refugium has enough macro algae it is eating up all the nutrients from the main tank. This works GREAT! I recommend it to anyone with a smaller tank. Check it out and let me know what you think!
  11. OK. So after a week and seeing the snails and hermit crawl around, I added a Pygmy Angelfish ~ Cherubfish. It's doing great, swimming through the rocks and eating when I feed. That fish has some character for sure. Then I added some nuke green zoos and some orange shrooms. They look sweet under the atinic lighting and even the moonlight. Eventually, I'll buy a real camera and take some good pics. But that is all I have for now - I think I may go ahead and move my clowns and their anemone over this weekend. The only thing I got left to do is get a clamp light for the refuge and some Chaetomorpha and Gracilaria. Anyone got some they are trimming back?
  12. Just posted a pic! It's gonna take some time to get it looking good though.

  13. So I found some LR! Got it added to the tank so now it is the good ol' fashion wait to make sure everything cycles good. So far it the params are looking good. That live sand is 'da bomb! SOOOoooo I thought I would share a picture. Since I'm limited on my file size I'll be showing a picture then deleted them as I go along. This is how the rocks are currently, but I'm sure I'll be rearranging them again.
  14. Yeah, so after getting rid of my biocube 14 - it wasn't a week I was getting the itch for a new tank. Then some of my buddies started to drop all these statements like 'You can do it, just need to get a tank and stand" or "I know someone selling a 150 gallon tank with sump and everything for cheap! Go get it!" And the bombardment of such statements forced me to go out and get a 20 gal tank and stand. A really good friend of mine donated some HO T5's and a HOB refugium. So I put everything together, tested the HOB (it has some plumbing issues and was bringing air into the tank, but we figured it out.) I'll post some pictures when I get a chance, but I thought I would blog my journey with yet another reef tank. This will be my first time to have a HOB refugium so it'll be a new learning experience.
  15. What does the 29 look like (scratches?) and color of the stand? Any pics? Thanks!
  16. Thanks for the pictures, I'm just thinking I don't want to have a bowfront, just not my type of tank, though I have seen some beautiful ones. However, I would like to know where you caught those dorado! Nice pictures!
  17. Do you have any pics of the tank you can send me? This sounds like something I'm looking for. I tried to PM you but it says you are unable to accept new messages.
  18. I'm looking for a 20 gallon tank and if possible tank and stand. That is all I need. Just the tank and stand. But if you have the tank let me know I may be interested. If there are no 20 gal out there, I would settle for a 29g. I'm not in a hurry - so if you have a tank of the requested size that may be available in the future - you may already have a buyer.
  19. I agree - you should have seen the sump setup I had for my biocube 14. I thought I had it working the way I wanted, was out for an hour and came back to a wet floor and a half empty tank! I wouldn't mind stopping by sometime - I love to see what other's have done with their setup.
  20. It peels off without any issues from my rocks. On the back of the tank, I cut it to size, then use the razor blade and simply scrape it off the back of the tank. It comes right off.
  21. Oh and I live in S. Austin (between William Cannon and Slaughter)
  22. Interesting...I've trimmed this stuff back many times without any issues. I use a razor blade, make a cut then scrape it off the back of the tank. It doesn't like it when I do it (all polyps detract) and I do see it expel some chemicals into the tank. But I only trim right before I do a water change because I did fear that it could potentially be toxic. Thanks for the heads up!
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