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Everything posted by runamukus

  1. I held onto this tank thinking I would get back into the hobby, but school and work is keeping this from happening. I'm selling my Solana 34 - tank, stand and MH light. It is a 150 Metal Halide. The light has about 5 months left of good use. The tank needs some cleaning from the old coral line algae. It comes with a skimmer. I will throw in a lot of other odds and ends - such as buckets, 5 gallon jugs, food, some dry rock (about 10lbs) and whatever chemicals I have left. I'm asking $500 for everything. Thank you.
  2. I'm glad everything found a good home!
  3. Getting down to the nitty gritty! Need to the clowns & anemone gone - come on, I know somebody out there wants a mated pair of clowns with the anemone AND they lay eggs AND they host the anemone...
  4. I'm in Kyle - South of Austin about 15 minutes.
  5. Hey all - I tried to sell my complete system but the few that were interested backed out. I'm selling all of my livestock. See attached pictures, if you want a pic of one of the items that are not shown, let me know and I'll take a pic and either post it here or email it to you. ALL SOLD, nothing left. Thanks to everyone that stopped by!
  6. I'm holding out as long as I can. I'd really like to sell the whole thing and there are a few folks that are interested in the whole setup. As stated in my post - if I part out, it will be livestock only. I will keep all the hardware because it is likely I'll get back into the hobby with a different setup. I'm giving those that are interested in the whole setup about a week to get serious. If they are still unsure, I'll post the prices for each coral and livestock next weekend. Thanks, Charles
  7. I agree, but it can be a pain in the behind when they keep moving sand out from under the rocks and things unexpectedly shift and fall! I have to constantly move the sand it moves to one side of the tank BACK to the other side. It keeps us both busy.
  8. One of the ballast in my lighting fixture went kaput. I need one. Does not have to be new. Willing to buy if reasonable or TRADE for some pretty pom pom xenia or dragon eye zoas. So, if you have a T5 HO ballast (the one I have is for a 24 inch fixture) and it is a program start (not rapid start) and want some zoas or some pom poms, let me know and we may have ourselves a trade.
  9. I have some pom pom xenia and a decent size of what I believe is called dragon eye zoas for trade. I attached pictures. I'm looking for some really colorful zoas. If you you would rather purchase - the pom pom is $15 on a small rock. The zoas are $20, it is about the size of an average person's palm. If that measurement means anything. PM me and let me know if you have some cool zoas for trade or just want to buy 'em. Thanks.
  10. runamukus

    Pic at the meeting

    I honestly don't know. I took it at the meeting in January.
  11. Did you ever use anything to treat your fish for ich? Any copper based chemicals added by chance?
  12. runamukus

    Pic at the meeting

    Here is a shot I took at the meeting.
  13. I had two clowns that did the same. In fact the anemone was so big they had to swim around it. Then after about 4 months, the male decided to host it out of the blue. Then the female followed in about 2 weeks time. She was preferring to sleep on an orange mushroom. Now they both host the anemone. You just gotta be patient, they'll figure it out in time. I say hold on to them for a little longer and if they don't host within a year, then try and trade 'em out.
  14. Well the water change is a big debate amongst different folks. Some think you should change at least 10% once a week. Some say they don't change it but once a month. I personally can see that if I don't do a water change once a week, my corals and fish are not happy. It seems like you have a FOWLR (Fish Only With Live Rock) and I never had one of those. I do know you want to keep the Nitrate to zero. When I see any Nitrate, I do a water change immediately. Another question is: What kind of test kit are you using? I know some SW test kits are not that good and can give false readings. I'd suggest taking a sample of your water to a LFS and ask them to test it for you to make sure your readings are in sync with theirs.
  15. The only thing I can recommend is when you decide to get more fish, add only one and see how it does. If your water parameters are fine, (being 0 nitrates, nitrites and ammonia) and your Ph is a stable 8.2 But is your alk really 200? The alkalinity of a saltwater tank should be around 2.5 to 3.5 meq/l. I'm not sure what kind of test kit you have, could you let us know what you are using? Too, you should have zero nitrates. How often do you do a water change and how much?
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