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Everything posted by innate1

  1. My beloved Nasau Tang got too big for my 75 gal reef tank. I traded him in at AquaTech and was ready to get a small purple tang they had when I saw the lil' bugger lift up a yellow watchman and fling it across the tank. My yellow fellow wouldn't like that at all so now I'm at a loss for what to put in. I've always wanted a purple tang as they are stunningly beautiful but after that no thanks. So now I'm looking for input on what to put in.
  2. I'm really looking forward to my first meeting, as everyone I've met in this club so far has been awesome. I'll have to ask the wife about hosting. I did have an idea for a meeting theme or maybe just a program, how about a mentoring program and a pay it forward frag program?
  3. If it's available I'd like the kenya tree Ma'am. I'm pretty free to meet this weekend.
  4. innate1

    A Few Fish

    For the record I hope to never piss you off. You look quite lovely this fine evening I must say and you smell great too. I do dig you laying it out to play it out.
  5. Could you sort out what's what, when you have time? I'd love a korella ph if still available and the smaller tank for frags. Thanks. Even if you don't have anything left I just wanted to say it's awesome what your doing.
  6. If no one takes the uv I'll take it. Just let me know also pmd my info
  7. All right another fish geek neighbor! I've got a truck and some buckets. I'm up the road from you in fern bluff.
  8. I know I'm a huge dork but I get all twitterpatted seeing a tank with just water in it! Think of all the possibilities! Post pics when you start filling it.
  9. innate1

    coral beauty

    I'd trade you some xenia . If that sounds good let me know.
  10. innate1

    I'm floored!

    I've met with three/four members so far and I just have to say you people rock! Andrew, Dave, the Mannings all were very giving of their time and tank wisdom! I can't wait to meet more members. I would really like to thank the Mannings for the hospitality and over all good time I had marveling at their stunning tank. You two are just fonts of knowledge and I look forward to picking your brains some more.
  11. Depends on what you consider interesting. Anything in particular you're looking for?
  12. 10k i believe I'll have to look at the spare bulb. Get back to you some time this weekend.
  13. I've got a metal halide pendant for sale or trade. I had two but one was sold at Horizon. Asking $75 or equal in frags.
  14. Andrew thanks for the trade. You have a great tank and were very hospitable.
  15. I'm new around here. I was checking out the forums yesterday and I found a diy wavebox and wanted to read it later when I had the time. Now I can't find it. Any ideas about what I should check under? Thanks .
  16. innate1

    Howdy All

    I've gotta admit I'm alittle intimidated. You all have such beautiful tanks. Mine isn't up to ya'lls level. I'll get some on though.
  17. innate1

    Howdy All

    Usually free is me, but I'll pass on this one.
  18. innate1

    Howdy All

    Howdy All, New around here, looking forward to picking ya'lls brains and learning tons. I'm north and interested in meeting others in the cult, I mean hobby.
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