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Everything posted by innate1

  1. I had the same sort of problem but add diatoms. It was driving me nuts. I had read a thread about someone taking out their limestone/holey rock and everything normalizing. I did and it did. If you have any I'd yank it and see what happens.
  2. I want to totally go to just a sump and get rid of my fluval canister filter but I need a pump to run my sump. I've got a standard oceanic 75gal. Anybody got a pump that would work that they want to sell? LMK.
  3. Matthew met me and offered more than what I paid for don't hesitate to deal with him great guy.
  4. i'll trade you a zoa frag for the pipe organ if your interested lmk. I habve green and lunar eclipse.
  5. I just got an email from John and he's offering to refund the order and maybe reship later on him. I would ask that we not take advantage of his kindness and willingness to go above and beyond. In his email he stated that some employees got confused on the group order and mixed a lot of things up. I've asked him to refund only what I didn't get or reship that part. He's extreemly generous and I hope we don't take advantage of him in his attempt to make things right.
  6. I would like to buy a tunze magnet holder if anyone is got an extra laying around. LMK.
  7. Those stripped guys are probably the zig zag periwinkles. Rob that was part of what I had missing; three fuzzy chitions, ulva (lettuce algae-it's supposed to be great for tangs) and zig zags (20) It just kinda looks like who ever bagged it fubared the whole thing. I've sent an email. I would just give them a chance to sort it out and see what they say. I'm sure they'll make it right.
  8. Oh and my wife picked up the stuff with my name on it.
  9. That's mine. Innate1, D.R.(Donnel) Steuerwald, owner, operator and chief bottle washer @ Cedar Park Tech Chiropractic. I don't know why they'd do it like that. I still don't have my zig-zags
  10. I thought my stuff looked light. I have no fuzzy chitons, I didn't see any zig-zags, or the ulvaria(sp). So do we individually contact John or what's the protocall? Oh and thanks again Rob for doing this.
  11. I only qualify as a wise(edited due to content) but I agree with Ric, those are some pretty small fish.
  12. Oh and Rob thanks for putting this together.
  13. what else is around the hobby lobby or do you have an address for it?
  14. I'm a chiropractor and my wife is a mid-wife
  15. Just talked to wife and she'll be done with her patients I'll send her. NO pickle. I repeat no pickle.
  16. Ok now it looks like im in a pickle. I finish seeing my last patient at 6 and your getting to 183/lamar @ 5. How long were you planning on waiting around?
  17. So when would all of us North folk meet you @ Hancock?
  18. I just ordered 20 dwarf cerith 3 fuzzy chiton 5 limpets 10 nassarius vibex 10 zigzag periwinkles 1 penny macro algae 1 ulva 1 flame algae 2 gracilarua 40.26 I'd like to pick up at the 183/lamar location. Thanks a bunch.
  19. point your Tunze at it, be ready to catch clam
  20. Great guy to work with, great experience.
  21. Welcome! Cool! Can't wait to see the pics.
  22. Thank you so much that was awesome! If you find the one on vit c please let me know.
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