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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Hi Pham, Sorry I am all out of fungia plates now. I do have plenty of other cool corals but it's going to have to wait a bit until I get my 60 gallon up and running. If you don't mind, I will contact you in a couple of months once things settle and see if I have something to trade with you for the red digitata. Thanks for your interest. Ty
  2. Thanks all for your interest, I am all out of plate corals!!!
  3. Hey Pham, Was wondering if you were still interested to trade the red digitata for a plate coral. LMK. Thanks. BTW, you mailbox must be full because I can't send you any messages.
  4. Okay, I still have 3 small ones (1-1.5" across) and one huge one (3" across) that I need to get rid of. Please let me know if you are interested. Thanks.
  5. I am located near Chinatown off Kramer/Lamar area. Where are you located? I work near the aboretum. Let me know if we are close and we can pick a meeting spot. Thanks. Ty
  6. I am currently out of the large half-dollar sized one's now and only have the quarter-sized one's. Pham, if you are still interested, I would like to trade for the red digi. Thanks. Ty
  7. Hey all, I am looking to set up my 60-gallon tank and transitioning from a nano-cube. I have a lot of small-medium sized neon green fungia plates that I am looking to sell or trade for live rock, sand, and/or koralias. Range from quarter-sized ($10) to half-dollar sized ($15). Let me know what interests you. Personally more interested in trades than cash but I am open to whatever. Thanks. http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj111/tybota/CIMG0010.jpg -under 60 watts of 50/50 PCs, imagine pop under better lighting. Ty
  8. Sorry to see the setup go but those Solanos are pretty nice too. Good luck with the move over. -Ty
  9. Awww, nevermind. Was actually going down there with friends so the whole bus thing wouldn't work out. Thanks for the offer!
  10. Hey VWMike, I'd be interested in those tickets since I was planning on hitting that show Saturday. All my zoas are not looking good right now (battle with zoa pox) but I could give you a frag of kryptonite candy canes, ORA green birdsnest, yellow scroll coral, or a green fungia plate. Let me know if any one of those interests you for the trade. Thanks for the offer. Ty
  11. I'm having a blast with mine. Ordered one from the Vivid Aquarium group buy and there's two and a lil' polyp on the side. They have such surprisingly long tentacles and are open most of the day. Not too mention uber cool.
  12. I use it on my tank and everything seems to take to it really well. It claims it doesn't foul your water quality but I don't know how legit that is. All my corals that actively feed have a pretty good feeding response to it. I specifically bought it for my red goni but I was surprised to see my pink zipper zoas wrap each tentacle around it as if I was feeding my duncans or anemone. Other zoas also display a type of response (which I'm hoping is a feeding response) in which they protude their mouths, akin to puckered lips I guess, and it seems like they are pulling water/food into their oral cavity. Works for me so I'll keep using it. Looks like it'll last a good 4-5 months also.
  13. My first guess was rock anemone as well but the tubes you are describing would throw that theory. Can we see a pick of the tubes?
  14. Yeah, Give it a shot and see what happens. I believe a pretty decent flow is crucial also because from what I read, they are naturally found in caves with medium to intermediate laminar flow and I just think they won't naturally come out if they know there is no flow to bring them any floating morsels of food. So hence, the flow, kill the flow, bait with food, back with the flow, then kill it again once I've suckered them out. I've heard that initially to train them it is a good idea to feed them randomly throughout the day, in that case, making them not exactly know when you are feeding them and causing them to stay open for most of the day in anticipation. Haven't had them long enough to verify but willing to try to coax these beauties out. Let me know how it goes with you guys too.
  15. vwmike, I have them out in the open under 72watt PC lighting and intermediate flow. During the day they always look like they want to come out but don't. The only time I have had them come out naturally was a couple hours after the lights went out and sometime really early in the morning. I have gotten them to come out during the day once by killing the flow and lightly basting with oyster feast or reef roids. I turn back on the flow and wait and in about 5-10 mins, they start extending their polyps. I kill the pumps again and I feed what amount of the polyps I see with some mysid/cyclopeeze mix and when the first couple of polyps pulls that down, that seems to trigger the whole colony to come out and say hello. Hope that helps you coax your guys out. Have you not seen them out at all during the night?
  16. Oh, wanted to explain in detail how the frag melted in case someone has had a similar situation. First day, polyps opened immediately once acclimated. Frag was put on the sandbed of a 72 watt PC system in medium flow. 2nd and 3rd day, all polyps still opening fully and everything still looks healthy. 4th day, 2-3 polyps didn't open that day. 5th day, 3-4 polyps not opening, 2 still wide as can be and healthy looking. 6th day, 3-4 polyps are closed and look soft, mushy, and appearance was very dark. 7th day, amphipods took care of the 3-4 polyps that were in bad shape. The surviving 2 polyps looked healthy as can be. They were attached to the same mat. 8th day, still the same. I dipped them in furan just in case. 9th day, still the same. 10th day, they both closed and progressed along as the other polyps did. They were finished out by the amphipods in my system. I can't tell you parameters 'cause I just take a sample to the LFS whenever anything looks out of whack in the system. My tank has been running steady for 4 years now. Mostly mushrooms, zoas, lps, xenia, star polyps, fungia plates, and a green and pink birdsnest. Moderately deep sand bed 3" for such a small tank (12 gallon nanocube). Chaeto refugium in back chamber.
  17. Hey vwmike, I bought a frag of the dragon eyes from Dena too and they did the same thing. I was trying to think of maybe water parameters or lighting had something to do with it since we acclimate for temp and salinity but there are a whole suite of other parameters that are different tank to tank. I have about 10-11 different zoa colonies in my tank and none of them are having an issue. All of them look healthy and are splitting more polyps every month. I have only had one zoa colony melt on me in the 4 years I've had my tank. That's why I am just as puzzled as you are. My theory is that some parameter in her tank is very different from ours or that the dragoneyes strain is just a very finicky strain. Maybe water flow, lighting needs, dissolved organic content.... something, just can't put my finger on it. BTW, this is not a knock on Dena's frags. It was beautiful and healthy to start. It's only that I had a similar situation that the scientist in me would love to try to explain. Any input would be happily received.
  18. Wow, yeah, everyone's corals look great. That white sponge is wicked cool. My sun polyps were wanting to come out all day but never did. Then I woke up this morning and lo' and behold...
  19. By all means, don't judge any coloration you see of the frags on account of my 60 watts of PC lighting on a 12 gallon nanocube! Even I have to laugh at it when I type it. I'm sure they all look great but until I get a large showtank with metal halide lighting... which that starts with getting a house first, I have to live with the subpar lighting. I'll end up fragging a piece of everything I have to put in my brother's tank and see how they color up in the metal halide lighting. Sorry I couldn't give a true representation of how the zoas could have looked... but soon... very soon!
  20. Here's what I made out with: 9 hobgoblins (4 polyps) 6 dragonflys (5 polyps) 35+ cherrybomb (8-10 polyps) 12 blue ice (5 polyps) 2 dendros (1 polyp) 36+ sun polyps (med colony) 1"x 3/4" piece of red goni All pieces have opened up and polyps area all coming out. Sun polyp i'm still coaxing out, should be a few more minutes. Dendro was out in 15 mins. Awesome! BTW, I want to see pics people! dendro sun polyps red goni dragonfly zoas Great order, thanks again for organizing it Mark.
  21. Yes, everything looks great. I've already put them in the tank and all the zoas began opening already. Surprisingly the dendro already had some feelers out and my sun polyps looked like they were about to come out and play also. Great frags. Hopefully we can all get some pics up soon. Thanks again Mark for all your work getting this together and executing it so smoothly. Ty
  22. I should be good to pick up when the package arrives on Wednesday Mark. Just sound the horn and I'll be there. Ty
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