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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Thanks for the great corals Chad and Belinda. They have an awesome tank! I would have bought some of those pink with green centers but I ran out of cash. Those things are sweet in person!
  2. I would like the unknown Monti (blue with brown polyps) and a Green Birdsnest frag. Pm'ed.
  3. I'll take a frag Tate. PM'ed
  4. Hello fellow reefers, I just bought a Reeflux 10k 250 watt single-end mogul bulb last week from Vivid Aquariums just to see if I wanted to move from the 12K reeflux I already had. I had it on for 2 days to test out the coloration and I'm still liking the overly blue color I get with the 12k. Maybe if I had more actinic supplementation but I don't want to go that route just quite yet. My test is your gain. I bought it for $62.50 plus tax, but you can have it for $50 even. Total hours on it... 12 hours... yep, you read it right. If you want to see a receipt to prove I just bought it, I can give you that too. Thanks for looking. -Ty
  5. In my younger, more brazen days, I moved from Los Angeles to Austin with my nano by driving 24 hours straight and removing water down to about 4 inches (enough to cover live rock, sand, and corals). I did not use a bubbler to aerate nor a heater to keep it warm since the car was warm. Everything survived just fine and was happy after a few water changes. If I had to do it again, I would make the drive straight again and this time add the bubbler (for security sake, since my coral are much more expensive now, and I have a 60 gallon) with an inverter to keep things aerated. Hope that helps.
  6. Sweet! I'll be picking it up from your place Mark as soon as they come in. I guess those are my KO Nightmare Palys that aren't coming in. Do you just want to shoot me the money back on paypal? My email addy is [email protected]. If you want, you could also just hang on to it and give me a credit since I know I'll be ordering more for the next Vivid order you set up. LMK. Thanks! -Ty
  7. I believe Diabeetus was looking for a Koralia Nano. I would hit him up.
  8. My guess is an open brain or a scolymia. See how the feeding tentacles are arranged around the central oral cavity? Is there a solid skeleton?
  9. Troy, That's real interesting. Do you dose anything at all? That's pretty cool that you went the with more of a natural approach. Do you have any pics of your tank? I'd be real interested to see. That's amazing... no water changes... it's like the holy grail or something. -Ty
  10. Hi Mark, Put me down for: Red Goni (3/4") - $26.99 Dragonfly Zoos (5 polyp) - $32.99 KO's Palys (1 polyp) - $24.99 Nebula Galaxy Palys (2 polyp) - $16.99 $101.96 x 10% off = $91.76 + $1 box fee = $92.76 Mark, can I drop off at your place? You live right around the corner from me. Let me know a good time and I'll drop off cash. Thanks for doing this again. -Ty
  11. I guess just from my previously skimmerless setup in the nano and my transition to a larger volume of water with a skimmer, I am weighing out the different systems. Optimally, I would prefer a skimmerless system with a large refugium in the sump to counteract waste products with biological filters. I think what my plan is with this system optimally is to run without a skimmer and have a large sump with a refugium so that there is plenty of natural biodiversity (which will help the mandarin) and a light nutrient load and only run the skimmer for a few hours after I feed the coral (since the sun polyp and dendro require heavier feedings). In this way, the skimmer is more of a tool to help control spikes of dissolved organic materials instead of a maintenance system that the tank has to rely on or else it will crash. I appreciate the input from everyone. Keep it coming. I'm always curious to the many different ways people can maintain their tanks. It's not a one-size fits all application.
  12. 'Tis the age old question huh? I was wondering what everyone on ARC thinks? I've been in the hobby for 5 years with a nano and recently moved to a 60 gallon w/sump. I skim, producing about a cup of skimmate every 5-7 days. It gets me thinking, my coral were perfectly happy in my nanocube with a modded refugium in the back chambers with chaeto in it and a sponge I would use for mechanical filtration and rinse out every week. Now that I have "moved on up" to a 60-gallon w/sump and skimmer, I've beginning to wonder if I should skim at all and if I should, how often? Meaning should it run all the time or only after I feed? I have noticed my ricordeas aren't as full anymore and my clove polyps have withered away (mostly species that like high nutrient water) but my zoas are starting to look really good, as well as my LPS and SPS. I have a mixed tank with LPS, SPS, softies, and filter feeders (not to mention dendros and sun polyps that require heavier feeding and 2 small gobies and a mandarin). So, I leave it out there to the opinion of others. A poll for us ARC'ers, to see what each person does with their tank. I definetely don't want algal growth because of high nutrients but I don't want low nutrients either because I can see it's effect on the ricordeas and clove polyps. What do you do on your tank? -Ty
  13. Mark, I know the 10% doesn't apply to dry goods, but I wanted to see if free shipping would still apply. If so, I may order a metal halide bulb as well. Thanks.
  14. Put me down for $100-150. I'll decide by the end of the week. Just wanted to let everyone know for planning purposes. -Ty
  15. I saw a couple of small red ones at Fishy Business a few weeks back. I think they were like 1.5 inches across.
  16. I'll snap a pic when I get home tonight. Guess it'll help to see the setup. Thanks for everyone's response so far.
  17. So, I've finished transitioning my all my corals and live rock from my nanocube to my 60 gallon and I was wondering, what have people been doing to keep their chaeto in their sump without a million little broken fibers floating everywhere! It's 3-chambered: 1st Chamber: holds return pump 2nd Chamber: has skimmer in it and bag of activated carbon 3rd Chamber: water entry pipe from main tank The baffle separating 1st and 2nd is lower than the baffle separating 2nd and 3rd chambers. Also, how do I keep the bubbles down? Put a bunch of live rock frags underneath where the water entry pipe is? Thanks in advance for all the advice! Big tanks and sumps are all new to me since I've been running just a nanocube the last 5 years. -Ty
  18. Is it sad that I'm more interested in the live rock then what is attached to it? are they Fiji rock? Good coralline growth? Pests? Unique shape or better for base rock? Thanks. I can pick up this weekend if they fit the bill. Ty
  19. Hey Julespinkyd, If Barderer doesn't want him, I have two of those exact mushrooms (purple with blue spots) that I can trade you for them. I can get him out of your tank sometime tomorrow either around 6pm or after 9:30pm if it works for you, since you are looking to get them separated as soon as possible. LMK. Thanks. Ty 512-689-6435
  20. I would like the tuxedo urchin, PM sent.
  21. Great, thanks for the bulb tip Zarathustra2. I'll go hit up Shane today after work. Wesley- I didn't even think about when to throw the macro in there, I was just gonna toss and wait. What is the rational for waiting for the nitrates? Sorry, I'm a curious one. :-)
  22. Diabeetus, Yeah, the price is probably killing you as far as interest since you can get them from Fishy Business or Aquadome for about $35-$38 and it's local pickup. If you're open for a trade, I have green duncans, sun coral, various zoas, yellow scroll, pink birdsnest, hammer, and superman mushrooms. LMK if anything interests you. Thanks and hope the comment helped with your marketing strategy! :-) Ty
  23. Thanks Zarathustra2, Good call on the half duration lighting cycle. I was only running my VHO actinics/daylight bulbs for now as well and not running the metal halide but I will apply the half duration lighting as well. Maybe there is coralline somewhere underneath the light fuzz of purple algae. Speaking of VHO bulbs, anybody know where I can get a good price on VHO Super actinic bulbs? The delivery charge for bulbs online are just about as much as the bulb itself. Thanks. Ty
  24. Hey ARC crew, I just bought 60lbs of live rock from a fish-only tank and it has the typical purplish red hair algae on the live rock that you would find in that kind of setup (the same stuff you see in Jake's fish-only tank in the front of River City Aquatics). I am in the process of cyling the new 60-gallon tank and I was wondering what you guys thought I should do with the cyling. Lights on? Lights off? Nothing really photosynthetic I want to keep alive on the rocks as it only has the hair algae and some sponges. Also, the sand is new but I was thinking of scooping a cup of sand from my 12g nanocube (been up for 4 years now) and maybe even moving over a couple pieces of live rock from that tank to seed the new tank. That, and I was going to cut some chaeto out and throw it in the sump I set up. Anything else I might be missing? Was gonna do a water change in about 2 weeks and I feel like I would be ready in about a month and a half to slowly move over my tank (with testing of the water as confirmation of course). Opinions? Ty
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