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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. From the album: 65-gallon

    Well, caption says it all. This is my favorite corner of the tank. It has so much potential and I like the color combinations going on here.
  2. From the album: 65-gallon

    Fido is a character. He's like the combination of an angry old man and a lovable dog. Here he is dancing around in my up and coming zoa garden.
  3. From the album: 65-gallon

    Well, I can say I like the bottom right rock in this work-up. As for the rest, well, it's a work in progress. But really, when isn't our tanks a work in progress.
  4. From the album: 65-gallon

    Don't know what I'm trying to work here, other than a small call in the middle with a big mushroom filled mess in front of it. Still a work in progress, though the mushrooms have to go! And all those zoa frags need to grow out a bit so I can have a happy little zoa garden along my substrate.
  5. From the album: 65-gallon

    Tried to create a ricordia rock on the bottom left. That tube anemone loves to stretch it's tentacles, notice the nice open area along it's perimeter. Who wants to get stung? The euphyllia is just filler for now, but it works until I can get some more extra cash to fill in with other stuff.
  6. FarmerTy

    FTS- Month 1

    From the album: 65-gallon

    Well, you are looking at it. Haven't plumbed my overflow and sump through yet. Just a box of water, a heater, some pumps, and some used live rock with a ton of algae on them. Somewhere under there is some live rock, I swear.
  7. Rgwiz11, I have a small pink birdsnest, roughly a little smaller than a fist size, that I would be willing to trade for the K4. Let me know if you're interested. I actually work in the aboretum area and live right by it too. LMK. -Ty
  8. FarmerTy

    ID Please

    Yeah, I could be wrong but I remember some of my "red valonia" being brown at times and it had a line through it on some of the more mature bubbles but the newer one's were mostly just red. Here's an easy test, try to peel or scrap one of the bubbles off. If it is slimey (basically feels like aloe vera) after you have basically crushed and scraped it, then i'm pretty sure it's red valonia. If not, then we'll all have to keep on trying. :-) -Ty
  9. FarmerTy

    ID Please

    Looks like "red valonia" to me. Red bubble algae. Had them in my old nano tank to plague proportions. Get rid of it fast if it is, otherwise, it'll take over. Check out this article, about half-way down. http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2002-02/hcj/feature/index.php -Ty
  10. BTW, Thanks GKarshens for the hand-me-down. Let me know when you get settled in the new place, I may have a frag of something you would be interested in. -Ty
  11. Sorry AndrewT, When I posted, your post wasn't there yet. We must have posted at the same time, seeing as how the site listed our posts at the same time. In all fairness, I'd be happy to give you 1 of the 2 that was left if you are interested. LMK. I live right by GKarshens at Parkfield/Metric. -Ty
  12. Coming, I live around the corner from you. Thanks.
  13. Good call, I'm about to inherit one from my brother and was wondering the same thing. The poor man's wavemaker. I like it!
  14. Bump... the 10k is great for growth. I'd be willing to swap for some interesting trades as well. At least for something(s) of comparable value. Thanks. -Ty
  15. Sorry guys for the late response, been out of town. The snail are spoken for but the urchin is still up for grabs. Currently have some people getting back to me on potential trades but the most enticing offer with get him. I am looking to get him out by this weekend. LMK. Thanks.
  16. Pretty sweet tank Robb. I think this is a great idea for the Austin Reef community. So how does one get chosen for being tank of the quarter? Is it a nomination process or a submission based process? -Ty
  17. Just throwing it out there. If somebody has one and would be willing to frag, I'd be willing to buy a piece of either. Thanks! -Ty
  18. Hi all, My tank finished cycling so there is no need for these guys anymore. They cleaned house on my 60g tank, not a speck of hair algae left. I was looking for any interesting trades instead of cash, but if I had to sell them, then $15 for the blue tux and $2 a piece for the giant zebra turbo snails (size of a lime). I'll be open to anything for trades minus leathers/star polyps/mushrooms. Thanks. -Ty
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