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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Thanks for the fish insights everyone. My list is getting more and more specific about what I'm thinking of getting. Hydro, your tank was the one that inspired me to do the anthias. I've heard powder blues are hard to keep alive in smaller tanks (if you could call 125 small). Have you had any experience with them prior to the one you have?
  2. Thanks Collin. Didn't know that Anthias have such a high metabolism. That might change my potential livestock list. Hydro, I saw your insight into the UV sterilizers on the other discussion, I'm pretty much sold on one since I want to keep tangs. I almost feel like I need a fish mentor to set me straight and to help me figure out my livestock choices. I feel stronger in my knowledge of coral but much handicapped at my knowledge of fish, which is ironic since I studied Marine Biology for 2 years before switching to Ocean and Coastal Resources. Never was really interested in the fish, I was always eyeballing the coral. Haha. -Ty
  3. Mark the day, I've finally bowed to the pressures of all my non-reefing friends that always ask me where are the fish in my coral tank. So, I'm relatively new to this game, minus your small gobies and such that have a very small biological footprint but I've been keeping corals since 2004. So, what I want to know from the brain trust at ARC is if you use a phosban reactor or not and your experiences with it. I will probably have a number of tangs, hawkfish, clownfish, and anthias... obviously added slowly. Minus the tangs, I'll put them all in at the same time to avoid fighting. I figure with the sloppy eating and the generous amounts of food needed for livestock (versus coral) that I would need some type of supplementation for removing wastes. I currently have a skimmer and a refugium set up in the sump as part of my waste removal system and the standard 2-week water changes on my 125-gallon tank. Also, I've heard that UV sterilizers can help minimize pests/parasites in a tank system. I have never had to deal with that much since I really never had fish. I saw a good topic on it on ARC about sterilizers the other day. For those that keep a pretty large population in their tanks, do you use a UV sterilizer too? Thanks in advance for any input. -Ty
  4. Good article Warren. I'll switch to the Coralife so you can put me down for 4. So far, here's what I've tallied for responses directly for Coralife from RCA: Mitch - 4 Don - 4 Ty - 4 Warren - 3 Brian - 1 Nemirn - 1 Theresa - 2 = 19 for Coralife from RCA Unconfirmed "yes" before RCA was mentioned. Meaning a "maybe" for now until confirmation that Coralife from RCA is fine for them. Hamp - 1 Saltdream -1 Liz - 1 VWMike - ? Kim - 1 Will - 1 Just need 1 more! -Ty
  5. FarmerTy

    ID Please

    Those are my two guesses but I'm leaning towards chiton.
  6. Was wanting to switch my T-5's to VHO's and was wondering if anybody had a pair of VHO endcaps laying around anywhere that I can buy off them. Thanks. -Ty
  7. I'm in for at least 4 buckets of the Red Sea Coral Pro Salt again at River City Aquatics. LMK. -Ty
  8. Yeah, I have a Tunze Nanowavebox, two koralia 4's, and my return pump with a spray bar behind the rock work. It worked great in the old setup and I'm hoping for the same in the new.
  9. FarmerTy


    I got handfuls in my sump but I won't be back until the 25th of February. Let me know. -Ty
  10. I might be interested in 3 stalks of red gracilaria and 25 nassarius snails. About $30 of stuff. Just depends on when you're ordering since I'll be out of town starting this Saturday for 2 weeks. I'll check back on this post to see timing. Thanks for putting this together. -Ty
  11. Here is a link to my photobucket album of all the stuff I grew in the tank and a horribly outdated 3-month FTS I did of the tank. I can't seem to find any recent pics of my tank. http://s270.photobucket.com/albums/jj111/tybota/ Check out the sub-folder of macro shots on the right side of the page. That was me goofing around on the camera. But, gives you an idea of the awesome lighting in the tank. -Ty
  12. Hi all, Finally upgraded to the new tank and moved everything to the new setup. Looking to move this 65-gallon system along to the next reefer. It was a great system, was just looking for something bigger so I can get the bigger fishes I've been craving. The stats: - 65-gallon show tank (roughly 36"x19"x22", by memory), drilled with overflow in back, left corner - approx. 15-20 gallon sump - 250-watt metal halide electronic Coralvue ballast - Icecap 660 Ballast - Jager 250-watt heater - Mag 9 return pump - Koralia 3 circulation pump - Maxi-Jet 900 circulation pump - 12k Reeflux mogul bulb about 8 months old - 4 VHO 36" super actinic bulbs (1 year old) - 2" of sand - black stand and canopy included *comes with all piping, bulkheads, and return line included. Adjustable fan included with speed controller, wired with the VHO lights. I'm asking $450 for the setup. I'll help load it into the truck when you get here, you are on your own from that point. I left the system running so that you can see it in action. All you need to add is live rock and possibly a skimmer if you want, and you're good to go with this system. -Ty
  13. I have the bullseye mushrooms you traded me awhile back for the snails I had. You're more than welcome to that. LMK.
  14. Anybody interested in doing a group order? I noticed the shipping is estimated at $9.93 to Austin no matter how many bulbs I put down for the order. LMK -Ty
  15. I've moved all the coral I wanted to from the old 65-gallon to the new 125-gallon. I am looking to get rid of the mushroom rock. It's an awesome shaped piece of liverock and if I don't get any takers, I may remove all the mushrooms just to keep the rock it's on. It measures 5x5x4 and is covered in the purplish-blue mushrooms (over 60+). They look pretty cool under actinic in my old 12-gallon nano but I only ran metal halides in the 65-gallon so they've lost their luster to me. Would look great in a softie/LPS tank with actiinic supplementation as they will color up nicely. I'm asking $50, and that's mainly because of the sweet live rock it's on. Thanks. -Ty
  16. Nemirn, I guess it's just a matter of aesthetics. I'm just a little more worried now than before because I'm afraid they're going to hit plague proportions. They are everywhere! -Ty Sorry I can't you help, but I'm curious as to why you want to destroy them. Even a large number of vermetids is not deleterious to any other aquarium life. The mucus they produce may be used as food by many other animals as well. Do you just not like the way they look?
  17. Hey collective brain at ARC, I was in the process of transferring from my 60 gallon to a 125 gallon tank. I used new sand and have about 60lbs of rock already in it for the past 2 months, cycling. I have an additional 60lbs of live rock from my current tank I want to move over. I have vermatiid worms and a small 'bout of bubble algae that I don't want transferred but I do want the beneficial bacteria and the large amount of sponges I have on the rocks to transfer. What's the best way to do this? I figure manually scrubbing and removing the green bubble algae before transfer but I have no clue with the vermatid worms. There's a lot of them, about a hundred or so per large rock. Smashing them individually would be a monumentous task so I ask to see what everyone thinks. The corals I figure to slowly move over in the span of a month or 2. Start with low lighting in the new tank and acclimate them to the newer lighting over time. I would appreciate anybodies opinions. Thanks! -Ty
  18. I have a standard height tank stand for my 125 gallon (long) tank and was curious if anybody has ever tried to raise the height of the stand by building a 1.5' base for it to sit on. I would have figured for sure that someone has tried this but after searching online for a few hours and on this forum, I can't find a thing. Anybody? I want to have the tank as a backdrop for my bar in the gameroom but standard bar height is almost 4' and I'd be afraid it would take away from the view of the tank. Any help would be appreciated. -Ty
  19. FarmerTy


    If that tank is really $30 with stand, I'll take it. Guessing a typo though...
  20. Where are you located BellaireOaks?
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