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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Funny thing is, I think I got my mini carpets from Hamp awhile ago. Those things are hardy as hell. I treat them like mushrooms because they are not as sensitive as say a bubble tip or anything.
  2. Here, I found a picture of my mini carpet. Look the same?
  3. Yeah, when my mini-carpet anemone doesn't like where it's at, it'll move up to 8 inches in a day. Once it's happy, it stays put. BTW, the carpets are about the size of a nickel or quarter.
  4. I was thinking a bleached out ricordea but they don't have that fast of a response time. At least mine don't. My guess is a mini-carpet anemone because that's what mine looked like when it got sucked into the sump and lost a ton of color with the low lighting down there. Touch it, if it's really sticky, then I think it is a mini carpet anemone. Mine is pink in the center with neon green looking veins coming out the middle. If I was at home, I would forward a pic but I'm traveling right now. I'll hit you up when I get home. -Ty
  5. I'd love to trade you for him if you can wait until this weekend when i am back in town. I have LA Lakers, King Midas, cherry reds, blue ice, goldeneyes, dragonflys, jokers, radioactive dragon eyes, and nuclear greens. Your pick. LMK. -Ty
  6. Hey Tim, I'll take a superman and the strawberry patch off you. I'll hit you up after work.
  7. Let me dig around this weekend, I may have two sitting around somewhere. If you can wait until Tuesday or Wednesday, I'll be in Round Rock if you want to pick it up from me. I'll let you have it. No promises if I can't find it though. :-) -Ty
  8. The entire wall of the overflow where it meets the glass separated. So, there's not a lot keeping the tank water from flowing into the overflow on the side instead of over the top. The current sump actually has been drilled and has a bulkhead on it already. I added a valve when I first set up the tank for easy water removal. I can pipe that into another section and add a small overflow in there for additional water storage and a possible frag tank. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise.
  9. Thanks guys. Back to sawing some PVC.
  10. Hi all, I've been searching the interwebs all morning for a cure, and wanted to hit you all up to see what you thought. I have a leaking internal overflow in my 125 gallon tank. It doesn't cause any issues in the immediate but if the power goes out or my return pump decides not to work anymore, then the amount of water that it allows into my sump would overflow it. Not by a ton because the durso standpipes are moderately high in the internal overflow, but enough that it'll put about 2-3 gallons on the floor. I'm guessing I can't repair it without draining the tank, and I'd rather not do that since it's been setup for about a 9 months now. I was thinking about just extending the durso standpipe in the overflow to have it sit higher so it will drain up to the higher height. Another option is to somehow have the sump be able to hold more capacity, like have a overflow for the sump to drain into another tank once it reaches a critical height. Just wanted to throw it out there and see if I'm missing any obvious solutions. Thanks for your time. -Ty
  11. Interested in #18 (screaming birdsnest colony) and #19 (purple with green polyps acro). Pm'ed. -Ty
  12. Matt, I should have one at home you can borrow. Let me check when I get home. I'll PM you with address once I confirm. -Ty
  13. Let me know what you think about the 12k's once they break in Stephen. They are ridiculously bright but had a good color to them. I opted for the 20k's instead because I didn't want to have to wear shades to look at my tank and because I'm a blue freak. :-) -Ty
  14. You need to update your tank size so you don't get flamed for having a mandarin Chris. :-)
  15. Thanks Medi. I was afraid all the moving would stress him out too but I'm am currently having nightmares of pop eye and of him being blinded for life. I guess I'm just panicking. With the tangs, I feed a complement of nori soaked in garlic juice and zoecon as well as well as the herbivore frozen food mix. From my research, I keep turning up that most tangs need a high diet of seaweed but the hippo tang just happens to be the one tang that prefers more of a meaty diet, though it still needs seaweed. I didn't mean to give the impression that I'm just stuffing the little guy full of meat. I appreciate you bringing it to my attention just in case though. Hope your transition into a larger tank has gone as smoothly as mine has. I did like your solana when I got to see it roughly a year ago. -Ty
  16. Those look like LuckyLou's clownfish/anemone combo. Those fish ARE bright orange! Looks good Derrick. -Ty
  17. So, the saga of my blue hippo is taking a better turn. He's happy and mostly healthy now that I moved him out of the sump and he's swimming around and eating like a pig. I guess the best thing was to have other fish around him so he doesn't just hide all the time thinking it's too dangerous to come out. Thank you for all who suggested he be around other fish. No ich that I can see and he's acting like a normal fish should act. But there's one thing... as in most things in life. His eyes have gotten cloudy the last couple of days. I've done my research is it could be a combination of poor water quality or stress of moving to a new tank. I give it the fact that he was in my sump, where my macro is and where most of my detritus ends up, the reason maybe the poor water quality could be an issue since he was laying in that bacterial infested muck at the bottom of my sump for the better part of a week. I did a larger than normal water change just in case it was not just the sump water quality. I've been feeding meaty foods soaked with garlic and zoecon and he's happy and eating. He just finds it a little hard to find and catch some of the food but I am making sure he gets his fill. It doesn't seem to be getting better and actually it almost looks like it's getting worse. I have Furan-2 at the house already and was thinking of moving him to my old nanocube (12 gallon) to treat him for 4 days with the Furan-2 as per the directions. I will use DT water and I believe the process is after the 2nd day of treatment, to do a 50% water change and repeat the treatment for a total of 4 days. Anybody have any experience with this? Any suggestions before I give this a try. I will have a heater, powerhead, and airstone in the tank to help with oxygenation and water flow. Thanks for your input. He's almost there!!! -Ty
  18. No problem Bill. Glad you could find a pump! -Ty
  19. I would just because I'm in North Austin and you're just a skip away from me. Pricing is hard because I don't think anybody would pay more than what you can pick up DT's for, which doesn't lend you much profit if that's the case. For me, roughly $20 for a 5-month supply of phyto using the 15oz bottle. So if something was priced similar, I'd be happy to support local peeps, especialy one's on ARC. -Ty
  20. I'd blame the temperature swing more than anything else but I'm sure everything you mentioned was a contributing factor. Make sure when you do cool the tank, I'd only do a couple of degrees of cooling a day. The shock of the temps rising quickly is bad, but the shock of temps cooling too quickly could have the same results.
  21. Bill, I'll probably be ordering my replacement impeller for my ASM G-1 Skimmer and selling it for $120 if you were interested. Timeline would probably be me posting it for sale at the end of next week. LMK and I'll give you first dibs. Thanks, Ty
  22. FarmerTy

    Sun Coral

    How come you just don't frag it Kim?
  23. Wow, I don't even know what you are selling Patrick but I want some of it! Seriously though, I need to get some marsh mud in my refugium. Good explanation of it. -Ty
  24. Thanks for the great skimmer. It was in perfect working order and dipped in vinegar not once, but twice since removed from the tank a year ago. Great care and attention to detail. Thanks and much appreciated. -Ty
  25. I thought I saw a couple at River City Aquatics in baggies when I went by there Tuesday. -Ty
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