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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I'll hopefully have it running towards the end of August and report how it's working. I'm still working on calculating my depletion rate for Ca, Alk, and Mg and setting up my solid carbon dosing.
  2. Yeah, that's exactly what I have is the BRS Ca, Mg, and soda ash (all bulk) and I mix up jugs of that stuff. I was still looking up dosers and was about to take the dive on the Tom's aqualifters and now your post put me over. I'm jumping all in. I know someone might chime in that it is not as precise as the dosing pumps but for me there is an acceptable range with the trace elements. Add to it that I still test weekly to biweekly and you have a system in place in case of a variance over time due to the slight inaccuracy of the pumps. I'll put up with that for $80 dollars cheaper than BRS' dosing pumps. Thanks Long. -Ty
  3. That's awesome Long. I was looking into the Tom's aqualifter as a cheap alternative since currently I dose the BRS 2-part for CA/Alk and then also BRS Mg manually. What a pain... add on it vokda (until my ecobak solid carbon dosing pellets kick in) and I'm pretty much a slave to my tank right now. Going the route of automation as soon as I can... but gotta recover from my vacation a bit first. -Ty
  4. Good thing you have the other tank. Just reseal and you should have no problems. Luckily you were just starting up the tank and it wasn't an established leaking tank!
  5. What kind of anemones are those? Green bubble tip?
  6. Don, I'll take the green leng si cap and a blue tenius (larger one if Juiceman doesn't take it, if not smaller). I can come by and pick up tomorrow evening if it works for you. Thanks. -Ty
  7. I feel like I'm looking at bigfoot. Just teasing btw. Looks pretty cool from what I can see.
  8. That's a pretty hard picture to identify. Any possible reshoot?
  9. I've had success in just putting a dallop of glue on a frag plug and pushing the actual polyp into it. Just make sure you don't get it anywhere where they will not be able to open. Also, dip it in the water as quick as possible so it doesn't heat up and kill the polyp. -Ty
  10. How long have you had your tank running? Give us the rundown on your tank. Lighting, feeding, filtration, water changes, clean up crew etc... There's plenty on this forum that can help you get rid of your troubles.
  11. Forgot, I'll open this up for trades as well for any interesting SPS or LPS. Thanks.
  12. Yeah, I like my nano wavebox. It even moves water between the rocks, which is the main reason I run it. I don't want any stagnant water. It makes softies and LPS look great with the back and forth motion. You can't really tell with SPS but I'm sure they appreciate the all over flow... I could give credit to better polyp extension but to be honest, I haven't paid attention to that. I couple this with two koralias to keep my flow moving as it is suggested that the nano wavebox not be your only source of flow. It'll move everything back and forth and keeps things from settling but it still requires some type of laminar flow to blow everything away. They have great customer service too. I bought mine used from another reef and after I quieted down my return flow, I started to really hear the nano wavebox. I figured something was wrong so I emailed customer support and he said to just drop on by (luckily the only Tunze distribution office in the whole US is 5 mins from my place) and he'll make sure there are the rubber 3m nipples on it to isolate on the glass (which they weren't there) and take it apart for me and take a look inside. That's amazing customer service, they really back what they sell. +1 on the nano wavebox, though I am biased as I have never had an MP-40. I wouldn't worry about the lack of flow, just don't leave it that way for like 4hrs! I usually just push my feed timer on the nano wavebox controller and presto, I have some time to do my water change without it sucking in air and blowing bubbles all over my tank because the water level is low. I do leave my two koralias on during the water change though.
  13. Hi All, I upgraded my metal halide reflectors and am getting rid of the one's I had. They are similar to the spider reflectors (one may actually be a spider reflector) but I am unsure since I got them from another reefer. They still have a good looking clear reflection on them and just need to be bent into the shape you want them. They come with a 250-watt metal halide socket attached. I am asking $30 for the both of them. I am also getting rid of my T-5 ballast (Accustart b239punv-d) that can run up to two 39 watt T-5 bulbs. Comes with two 9 month old bulbs (both actinic) with reflectors. The reflectors have some salt corrosion but still reflect respectfully. First $20 gets it. Thanks http://www.ballastsh...b239punv-d.html
  14. Looks like I'm gonna be 1 for 1. The elegance got shipped out due to nipping by the sailfin but the hippo tang has left the clam alone now that it is up in the rocks. Thanks everyone for your interest but looks like the clam is staying. -Ty
  15. BRS is out of the phosban 150 reactors so this order will be cancelled. Sorry. -Ty
  16. I'll take that hawkins echinata frag on the right. -Ty
  17. I'll take the pink jade. PM'ed.
  18. Well, the sailfin took another nip, Wildman, the elegance is all yours.
  19. I'm sure there are polyp eating starfishes out there, but to my experience (having both the standard and darker gray ones), I have never attributed them to killing my zoas. I have had some on the colonies that are dying but I deduce that they are doing there job, removing dead matter/tissue. I think the starfish are a result of the dying colony, not the cause. The populations of them do rise and fall through the years I've had my tank. And yes to the zoa colonies just randomly melting. I have roughly 20 different varieties and all are doing great and 2 are melting. It's just the nature of it and I don't concern myself over it to much anymore.
  20. Ballistic, I'll let you know if the hippo goes to nip anymore in my clams new spot amongst the rocks. One nip and he's yours... I bet you are rooting for the hippo right now. LOL!
  21. Sounds good Wildman, you got first dibs on it. I will give it a couple of days and if I still see the sailfin heading over to it, that baby is yours. I'd hate to have the death of such a beautiful specimen on my hands.
  22. A possible teaser, but I have a new elegance coral (3-5") and a lightning maxima (1.5") clam I got from the last Vivid group order and my sailfin has been nipping at the elegance and my blue hippo has been nipping at the clam. Only damage I see is on the elegance as it's tentacles are stubbier but it still expands every day fully and looks very healthy still. The clam is happy and open and just closes whenever the hippo comes to try to take a bite out of it's shell but I'm sure long-term, it would stress out and die. So, I'm giving it one more week, mainly because I moved them both to locations I think may serve them better to look less appetizing and less approachable and if that last ditch effort doesn't work, I'm selling these bad boys. I'm gonna sell each for $60 if my last ditch effort doesn't work. Thanks for looking. -Ty
  23. You're like the CIA of reefkeeping Mark, there's always some secret project brewing. Consider my interest peaked right now.
  24. Well that makes me feel better about my alkalinity levels. Mark, are you doing anything as far as reactors/carbon/pellets/vodka/zeovit is concerned?
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