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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. They look like my lunar eclipse palys. I'll try to post a pic sometime this weekend of them. Those are sweet!
  2. Hey guys, I'll take the Shades of Fall from you. I can probably pick up this weekend. -Ty
  3. Mike, Thanks for the input on the mouse pad, I was actually about to throw one in there.
  4. Scratch that, I've spent enough this month.
  5. I'll take the 30k lokani or the red stag. Whichever you think is cooler. How much of a discount I get for you taking my reflectors? :-) -Ty
  6. Thanks for the trade John. It was nice meeting you. Now how to get this behemoth into my sump...
  7. Go figure, I get my two Tom's aqualifters and bulk sized portions of the Ca, Alk, and Mg solution from BRS, and then I come across a cheap calcium reactor. The reactor needs a little love before I set it up but I think in about a month, I'm going to be posting the items above for sale and just running the Ca reactor. I'm still doing my research on Ca reactors, but that should cover me for Ca, alk, and Mg levels, right? -Ty
  8. I have the same experience with the waterweld. It doesn't seem to hold well. I've been just removing frags I buy from plugs and pushing them to the rock with a huge ball of waterweld with superglue dabbed on the bottom of my coral. Sticking to the bottom of the frag plug doesn't work so well because it just looses it's grip and slides right off. They used to carry aquamend which I felt like worked better but for all I know, it could be the same product. -Ty
  9. May be interested in this. PM'ed. -Ty
  10. To be noted, I do have a nice RBTA for them to host to for protection in the main tank. I know that is no guarantee they won't host my frogspawn or a random hermit crab shell... those silly little fishies. -Ty
  11. Hey Reefers, So I bought two little fishes, literally, two baby percula clowns that are now about 1/2" to 3/4" now. They are still tiny and seem even tinier in my 125 gallon. I currently have them in a breeder's box on the side of the tank. My current fish population consists of a 6" desjardini sailfin tang, a 5" blue hippo tang, a 4" yellow tang, a 4" exquisite fairy wrasse, and 3 blue/green chromis'. Do you think I can introduce the little babies to the main tank? Do you think any of the fish will harm the clowns? Both of them escaped on separate occasions before and I have managed to find and net them and put them back in the breeder box. My only concern is one of the larger fishes getting a little rough with them. Wouldn't take but just a quick nip to kill one. The other fear I have is that they would not be able to compete for food. It's like they're prop planes competing against jets for food. LMK what you think. -Ty
  12. I was going to cut and leave 2" along the entire length of the glass on both sides. Have the tensioned released with clamps while I do this. Then drill the 2" remnant sides (untensioned), and attach the metal wire and lock it in, then release the clamps. My only hitch would be the drilled holes being able to handle the tension of tank. I do have a canopy but remove it from time to time to work on the lights. I would hate to have to clamp the tank each time before removing the canopy. That was an inventive idea though. Much kudos. Thanks for the thoughts! -Ty
  13. Interested in the Ca Reactor. PM'ed.
  14. Thanks Mike. I may do that when I get back into town. I just hate that the middle portion of my tank can only handle low-light softies. I wanna get some SPS in there!
  15. I'll try to add a live webcam so everyone can be there when this thing goes out on me. I'll aim for the HD version so you can clearly see my tears afterwards. I won't get to try it until I get back from my work trip anyways... so everyone will have to be patient. haha.
  16. Wow, you're last comment just made my brain finally kick off the dust and turn on. I'll just do the same and cut the glass but leave enough on each side to drill a hole and fasten maybe two of the lines that your dad did to reinforce his tank. Thanks so much Kmmthree. I appreciate the input and feedback. -Ty
  17. Awesome, welcome to the club Ben. Slap some pictures up when you get a chance... my imagination is dead these days. haha. -Ty
  18. Glad you got back to it so quickly after the move Lamont. Good thing you cooked all the rock too, I found a couple of those pesky aiptasia anemones all over the rocks that came with the frags and just removed the coral frags yesterday from the rock and cooked it all. Burn bast*** burn! Haha. Let me know when you are ready for some frags. I'll give you the same awesome discount you gave me. LOL. -Ty
  19. Thanks Timfish for the advice on the adhesive. I don't have much option to do it empty but I'll put out as much water as I can. I figure to brace it with clamps while I cut away at the center section leaving 2" on each side. Then unclamp slowly and see what happens. I think it should hold just fine but if I notice any bowing, then I will keep the braces where they are at and look at way to additional support it.
  20. Reflectors gone. Now I just have the T-5 ballast left. Can't beat $20 for actinic supplementation!
  21. Thanks for the link Kmmthree. I don't know if that is going to work for my application since I don't have the mounting spot he had to hook the cable through. Possibly if I fasten something to the edge of the tank. That gets my brain going, I'll have to keep brainstorming. Thanks! -Ty
  22. Hi all, Was looking into replacing my gigantic glass center brace (1.5' wide!) for something a little less intrusive since I currently have a 150-watt metal halide hanging over it. Any ideas? Has anybody done this before? It is on a standard 6' long tank. The tank is still running too! I'd rather have two braces on either side of it so my 3 metal halides can mask the shaded areas easily. My best guess is since it's so large, is to just cut it so that it leaves like a 2" strip on the ends of the brace and just removing the center of it. If I try that, do you think it'll hold? I guess I would just get a glass cutting blade on my jigsaw. I figure it would also create the smallest mess out of all the tool options too. I would use my dremel but the glass is 1/2" thick and it kicks pieces all over the place. Any other tool suggestions? I figure to lower the water of the tank as best as I can, then get plastic to cover the top of the water. Drill a starter hole, then use a jigsaw with appropriate blade to cut the middle section out and then remove the sealant (any tips? scraping with blade?), sand the glass down to prevent cuts, then remove plastic and refill water and presto... If someone knows of anybody that can do this reasonable, I would be open to paying someone to do it instead. I already tried Prof but he hasn't answered yet. Thanks! -Ty
  23. I'll take the purple zoa colony if it's still available. PM'ed.
  24. JDC, I have a G-1 or a G-1X, can't remember since it's been so long. I need to order a new impeller for it and it'll be good as new. I haven't gotten around to that since I've been running my Euroreef. Let me know if you are interested and I'll order the replacement impeller and make sure everything is up to order for a trade. Thanks. -Ty
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