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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Patrick, I'll have to see your system one of these days once I start traveling less for work. I believe we studied at the same university however you preceded me by a couple years out there. Haha. I ended up studying Marine Biology for 2 years before switching my major to Ocean and Coastal Resources. And what did I do with the degree? A whole lot of nothing... however I did end up being an environmental scientist for a consulting company. Not a complete waste but nothing I learned at school was applicable... plus consulting is a lot less fun. Haha.
  2. There are as many ways to set up a tank as there are things to put in it. I'd say for anybody looking for advice on how to setup their tank, the first question should be... what are you planning to keep? Then, seek out the people who have tank systems that you want to mimic. Sounds like a recipe for success to me. I couldn't keep that sponge you have Michae52 alive for a week in my tank... nor could I keep the true marine plants that Patrick keeps. I set my tank up to keep SPS and I'd be losing out on a whole lot of money trying to keep sponges in my tank... let alone increasing the capacity of my tank and running a tank outside to keep true marine plants... let alone expensive! Haha. But with their respective systems, they do that easily and without much equipment needed at all. Michae52 hit the nail on the head, there is no ONE way. My advice is to find a mentor tank and follow their steps to success, while incorporating some of your own ideas to customize once you start understanding how to read your own tank.
  3. But my favorite is my multi-colored anemone I bought in a random petstore in Evansville, IN while working out there. It has sentimental value since I it was such an adventure to get it home... and to have it color up from the PC lighting it was under to this makes me smile inside...
  4. I enjoy these little mini-carpet anemones I got from someone on ARC a long time ago. They are pretty but pack a bit of a sting if you have the unfortunate luck to brush up against one.
  5. It's an ARO ballast, rated for 175-watt for SE bulb and 150-watt for DE bulb.
  6. Yes, includes ballast. I'll look for the brand when I get home later tonight.
  7. How in the world do I edit a topic Title? Like putting "SOLD" or whatnot.

    1. Juiceman


      click on edit, and then click on the full editor

    2. FarmerTy


      Cool, thanks Juiceman!

  8. Price drop, first $65 takes it. Thanks.
  9. No prob Texasnano. Those little guys are bullet-proof. To answer the question about the plates, I didn't frag them. I had actually bought a colony of fungia plates from RCA about 2 years ago and have had them growing in my systems since they were the size of push pins. They were sold as a rock of mushrooms but I noticed after staring a bit that it was a colony of acanthocauli (daughter colonies) that spawned from a dead fragment of the parent colony. So, each one of the plates I sold were identical acanthocauli of the parent colony. Not a bad find in the frag tank I would say. I think it's spawned roughly 20-25 plate corals since I bought it but it seems at it's end now.
  10. No prob Max. Glad it found it's way back home to it's first tank again.
  11. Started keeping a 12-gallon nanocube in 2004 with a fungia plate, button polyps, xenia, and a few zoas in it. The softie coral biome in a box was a fun concept that morphed into the 125-gallon SPS tank I have now.
  12. Sweet. One of my first corals and still one of my favorites! Update, all plates sold!
  13. Thanks Bluemoon but just looking to sell it.
  14. Good to see a new face... or emoticon I should say. Ask away!
  15. Nice meeting you Mitch. I'll let you know the next time I get frag happy.
  16. All either sold or pending right now. I'll update if someone doesn't come through. Thanks.
  17. Here's a pic from my cell phone. Sorry for the quality. The two on the left are spoken for already so just the two on the right are available. Thanks. -Ty
  18. Kevin, Sounds like you are looking at it the right way. I did all the research in the world before I started and I still goofed here and there when I tried different approaches... added to much livestock, accidentally stirred up the sand too much.... etc... you get the point. The skimmer being on was a life saver in several instances. I guess you can go with the approach of just turning it on when needed. Or if you feel comfortable enough with your natural biofilters, then get rid of your skimmer. I still like to have my "training wheels" in case I fall... cause if I do, there's a whole lot of animals that will die because of me.
  19. FarmerTy


    BBReefer, PM sent
  20. FarmerTy


    If it falls through, you got next dibs Fragit.
  21. Victoly, I will snap some after work today and post.
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