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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. FarmerTy

    Frags for sale

    Hey Grim, I'll take a blue organisms frag if you have any left. Thanks. -Ty
  2. That's the dilemma. There is the possibility of doing 3 separate jobs with the tile saw (current bathroom, master bathroom, and kitchen). I figure three separate rentals will add up to me getting a $90 mitre wet saw easily, and then some. So why not buy it. I have a large shed in the back for storage and can fire it up when needed to saw a couple coral frags here and there. The saw is actually a table mitre saw, and not a hand saw. I don't trust my free hand cutting that much to even attempt that. Haha.
  3. Here is another pic of the lunar eclipses in actinic
  4. Getting rid of some frags. Warp speed frag (not exact frag pictured... other frag in location I couldn't take a picture of) - $10 2 frags left parent frags Lunar eclipse palys (these things are huge) - I have 3 frags left, 3 large one's for $20 (8-10 big polyps a frag) -only 1 frag left parent frags My personal favorite... King Midas - I have 7 frags for $15/piece (10-18 polyp frags) -3 left I will honor first PM for sale. Pickup at my house. Thanks. -Ty
  5. PM'ed for Ecobak if not taken already.
  6. I looked at that one Mike at Harbor Freight but the reviews scared me off it. It's hit or miss there at Harbor Freight. I do love my $20 sawz-all I got there though. Help me cut the tub out. I was going to pick up the Skil wet saw at Lowe's for only $30 bucks more. Thanks for the suggestions for the band saw. Either way I know I will have to get a wet tile saw for the bathroom update so I already ruled out the band saw, as it will have only one purpose at my house... to cut coral. I'll loose the precision with a wet tile saw but all I really wanted was something to easily cut through those stupid frag disks and live rock.
  7. Hi ARC, Was wondering if anybody had any good wet tile saw recommendations for cutting coral frags? I was going to retile my bathrooms and kitchen anyways so I figured... why not get dual purpose out of it? Plus, easy way to pass this tool purchase passed the girlfriend. Haha. Let me know what everyone is using. Thanks. -Ty
  8. Will and Alicia are awesome! Thanks for keeping our appetite for unusual corals fed... and for allowing us to drool over your great coral shots every couple of weeks. -Ty
  9. I might as well update my FTS since my last one was a couple years ago in a smaller tank. Just use your imagination and pretend all of my SPS frags towering over the rock work. Curious about people's opinion... should I scrape that coralline off the back wall or just leave it be? For those with the watchful camera eye, I did tweak the FTS color saturation to be more representative of the color seen in person since it was a simple point and click camera. I didn't bother with the closer shots though they could use a little more color to show what is really in the tank.
  10. Bump, sale fell through because buyer never showed up. Available. -Ty
  11. I'll have to look into manganese then. I know nothing of the dosing of manganese. I appreciate the tip Michae52!
  12. Sorry, I was referring to your original post Michae52. You put "iron and manganese" for dosing, but followed it with the elemental symbol for iron (Fe) and magnesium (Mg). I wasn't sure if you meant manganese the first time or magnesium when you typed it. Just asking for clarification in case I needed to look into manganese dosing. Sorry if I erred.
  13. Will and his wife Alicia are the nicest, most down to earth people I've ever met in California. And that's saying a lot because I lived there for 3 years. haha. I got to see their old facility but now I'm itching to see the new one. Don, let us know how your trip there goes. I had them pack all my corals in a box for something like $10 and I tossed it in my luggage for free shipping home. Just a tip, he will readily frag any SPS in his big tank if you ask him to.
  14. Thanks Juiceman. I have some coral frenzy and will try some feedings to see if they recover. Michae52, I have been dosing iron and magnesium. I did not know about manganese, unless that was a typo. Are there readily available test kits for manganese? PBNJ, yeah, I have a pooping hippo, sailfin, and yellow tang. Hoping their mess is my goniopora's gain. It was doing just fine until the cyano outbreak... now the recovery part is the issue. It probably speaks volumes about my tank not being to support goniopora if it can't recover quickly. That threshold was probably just keeping it alive in my tank, and one slip and it'll go spiraling down. Let's see if I can strike a delicate balance between enough food for the goniopora's in the water but a low nutrient environmental enough for my SPS. I think this is an uphill battle. On that note, again, if anybody has a successful goniopora tank, with the parameters in the first post, let me know so I can send the frags your way for a promise of a frag back when it is better off. -Ty
  15. I like Aqua-dome's selection. They seem to always have the most stock on hand and you can usually find what you want. I have had success with all their fish. I feel though that they are the Wal-mart of fish supply... large volume with sometimes less quality per fish there. RCA also has a decent selection, not as much as Aqua-dome. They do seem like they put more care into their livestock but I usually can't find what I'm looking for there. Jake is usually pretty good about trying to get what you want in there. Aquatek has a decent selection as well but I do see a lot more sickly fish there. I feel like there's aren't as healthy sometimes as the other stores. I do find some unique creatures in their back section though... like sea cucumbers in stock. Fishybusiness probably does have the healthiest stock, but I find his selection very minimal. Never seems to have anything I want and doesn't usually carry much fish. Though his coral frag selection has gotten a ton better.
  16. Juiceman, what were you feeding? Oyster eggs? spot feeding? I have 1 out of 3 colonies thriving, while the other 2 dying. All red goni (supposedly the easier kept version) encrusting type. All were surviving just fine before I had a cyano breakout due to my biopellets not being directly plumbed into my skimmer. After the cyano, two colonies are really fighting to recover while the 3rd is going gangbusters. Any input is much appreciated. Also, my secondary objective was to find a surrogate tank to take the other two and to give me a frag another day once it proliferates. I say this, knowing that a million people will volunteer, but I will only select a tank that is capable of this task. Not to be exclusionary, but if I don't see your name consistently on the forums, I may have a bit of hesitation giving you the frags. No insult intended but these are my frags to give to whoever I want. Thanks. -Ty
  17. Hi all, Does anybody have a successful goniopora tank running currently? I know the criteria for successful is open-ended so I'll say... not just able to keep... but also have flourishing goniopora colonies that have grown over the last 2 years?
  18. I think between my order and Tim's we already have the free shipping and 10% off covered. Unless everyone else in the order combines to $500+ and we make the 20% off, it is safe to say for this order that we'll all get 10% off and the free shipping. I remember he usually charges a box fee which usually ends up being a couple bucks per person.
  19. Tim, I may be down for this if you get enough for free shipping.
  20. I like the idea too. It'll be awhile before I make it into the category of a mentor tank but I'd like to think one day I may end up there.
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