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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. FarmerTy


    From the album: 125-gallon

  2. FarmerTy


    From the album: 125-gallon

  3. FarmerTy


    From the album: 125-gallon

  4. FarmerTy


    From the album: 125-gallon

  5. Nice meeting you Nick. Thanks for the awesome coral and good luck with your move. We should all be jealous that his front yard is going to be coral reef.
  6. Well he did say text, so who knows. Just texted.
  7. PM'ed for the Mike Palettas Turquoise Lovelli and ultra blue tenius.
  8. Adding: -Bayer Advanced Total Insect Killer - tried and tested. Works great as coral dip. -paint shield - best glass algae scraper ever for $3! Works perfect with an aqua glove. Perfectly clean glass without getting your entire arm wet. http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yc1v/R-202284231/h_d2/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10053&langId=-1&keyword=paint%20shield&storeId=10051
  9. Does anybody know a local source for T5 reflectors... before I start an order online?
  10. Thanks PGA, I have an Ice Cap 660 already and just realized I already have the T5 end caps sitting in my garage. Go figure. I just need 60" reflectors so I'm just going to order them, unless someone has some sitting around. Thanks for the offer and hope your clownfish finally figured out what an anemone is. -Ty
  11. Here's an interesting article on a section of coral near the spill that they discovered to be directly impacted. http://www.livescience.com/19281-coral-damage-gulf-oil-spill.html
  12. PM'ed for the mag floats if they are still available.
  13. Hi fellow reefers, Looking to swap out my VHOs for T-5 bulbs. I am looking for two pairs of T-5 end caps and four 60" reflectors. Let me know if you have any and how much you want for them. I also have a lot of varieties of zoas/SPS/LPS also if you would rather trade. Thanks! -Ty
  14. Wow, that's a sweet deal for someone who has more time than me and definitely a longer reach! That's real cool of you Stephen.
  15. Yeah, for some reason Max it took forever. Normally it is not that bad.
  16. If they were really smart, they'd stop checking Ofu Island and start checking our tanks at home. http://www.livescience.com/19160-heat-resistant-coral-climate-change.html How many heater malfunctions, overdosing events, power outings, overfeedings, and forgetting to turn the lights off have we subjected our corals to and still some always make it. Who's got the strongest corals? Try your local reef club. -Ty
  17. Link added. I'm having a posting fail day. Forgot to add the link to this post and did some horrible math in the other post.
  18. Oops, sorry, my bad on the units. I do that all the time at work as well!
  19. Hey gang, I recently acquired a piece of SPS that had a red bug infestation on it and I was curious to try out this method discussed on Reefcentral. I figured might as well try it because my alternative was just to throw the frag away. Go to Lowe's or Home Depot and pick up a bottle of Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer ($13): You will need to mix 0.5 ml of the insect killer for every 2 cups of tank water. Dip the coral for 5 minutes, some say don't baste, some say to baste. I will probably not baste. Pull the coral out and give it a good rinsing. This stuff is not friendly to invertebrates so a good rinsing will keep it from contaminating the tank water. Remember to rinse your hands as well (I would suggest using gloves if you have them). I will do this twice to ensure that every one of those red bugs is eliminated. The people who have tried this method reported great success, even for AEFW and other pests. The great part is you are only using 0.5 ml each treatment, and the bottle is a 32 oz bottle. For those scrambling to grab a calculator right now, that's 64 1892 (thanks Texasean for the catch) treatments for $13 bucks. I'll snap some pictures this evening of the SPS infested with red bugs, the treatment, then the follow-up after treatment. Wish me luck. -Ty
  20. Ahhh, it's good to know all my years of being lazy and not rinsing my frozen foods was of minimal detriment to my tank. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2012/3/chemistry Here's the link. -Ty
  21. Dave, I can't believe you still have any frags of the tri-color nana left! These are not tiny frags people! He just dropped one off that was pretty much a mini-colony. Had 7 stalks and stood nearly 2 1/4" high! For $10!?!?!? You've got to be kidding me. I buy 1/2" frags from people all the time for way more than that and they don't have the potential to look as good as this frag will either. Just in case anybody was wondering what the coral looks like when it is happy (Dave said his corals are irritated right now because of tank changes): CanReef Aquatics Bulletin Board - Member "TRS" picture- to give photo credit. Enough of my ranting about these frags, just so shocked they aren't all swooped up by now. Thanks for the awesome frag Dave! -Ty
  22. Hey Dave, I'll take a frag of the tri-color nana and you can just knock off $10 off the bulbs. Is it possible for you to bring when you pick up your bulbs?
  23. Sweet chair Caleb. You and your wife are all kinds of crafty people!
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