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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. +1. I still like his store very much and him personally. I just stop talking reef with him and just chat about general stuff while I shop around.
  2. Haha, at first I thought you posted the wrong picture and threw one up of the family by accident.
  3. Niko, I'd look into chaeto if you are looking for macro for a refugium. Painless and decent nutrient export, especially compared to mangroves. Unless you just like the look of mangroves. Most people will give you free chaeto if you are looking for it and it's a great habitat for pods.
  4. Sweet, I'd be interested to see it Offroadodge. 10gReef, sorry I haven't decided if I was going to sell it yet. And if I do, currently I already have a buyer. Thanks for the interest. If it splits again, I'll let you know!
  5. Sorry, been out of town. I was just planning to cut it with my jigsaw using a metal blade... then file it a bit to make sure there are no sharp edges. Easiest for me since I have all the equipment already.
  6. "Less is more" is definitely underutilized these days. The hard part is the patience to wait for everything to grow into it (or change color from orange to purple... haha). I feel you. Everything in my tank has grown from a 2" frag or smaller... except for my red monti plate and that giant RBTA in my tank.
  7. Yeah, I remember the pics. It's crazy that it made such a great recovery!
  8. I was afraid of the damage a 12" anemone would do if it decided to walk. It already killed my baby strawberry shortcake frag and was this close to killing my Steve Elias teal stag but it survived. This was just one day of sweeping tentacles. Didn't know it could happen that quickly.
  9. That's awesome, I got a kick from the cardboard tank idea. Very creative!
  10. Girlfriend is awesome, here's a pic of the split. Looks like just one split but I'll happily take that anyday. This picture nicely shows the purplish base I was talking about.
  11. I think I'll miss the size because it was really impressive to look at but I won't miss it encroaching on everything and taking over the whole left side of my tank!
  12. Here's a pic of the original monster. Touched up to represent colors in person since I don't have a fancy camera. That's a 6" sailfin for comparison purposes.
  13. I got this awesome RBTA from Reeflover after he shut down his 120-gallon tank. The RBTA is a gorgeous bright red color with a dark, almost purple base (you can barely see the purple but unique enough for me to mention). The thing is, it was 12" diameter and took up a large section of my tank. Reeflover mentioned several different methods he tried to tick off the RBTA so it would split and I thought to myself, it would be great to have it split since one large one is just a little too much in my 125-gallon. One used Koralia 4 later (thanks Phamily) and viola, I've been informed by my girlfriend that my increased flow (aka blasting) at the RBTA has resulted in it splitting, possibility multiple times as she describes though hopefully a picture will follow later tonight. I'm a daddy!
  14. Gabe, I got a few dents in my jeep that I'd be happy to trade for coral frags once you get a tank setup. The only things I have that might help with your setup is a calcium reactor with eheim pump, T5 ballast (2-bulb, 24" I think), an ASM G-1 skimmer body (have pump also but it doesn't make bubbles, even tried to replace the prop), and a 5-gallon bucket of Coralife Salt. Let me know if any of those interests you in trading for dent removal. Good luck with your project. -Ty
  15. Jeez, I'm with you Richard. I'm fighting a monster RBTA as well (12") and he is itching to move! I don't have as much real estate as you but at least my real estate isn't up for lease.
  16. 80! I'd melt in your house Dave! Ideally when I get my controller, I would like to use the combo of a heater and fans to keep my temperature more stable but I'll just say my corals are acclimated to the daily fluctuations and everything is happy now. Ignorance is bliss.
  17. Also another thing to think about Niko is flow. Zoas are so finicky and we all make the mistake of treating them all the same, even though I'm sure they are collected from multiple different areas of the reef. My King Midas loved medium flow and a lot of light. They were also the most picky out of all of my zoas and are the first to close up when they don't like something.
  18. Sweet, I'll be able to grab tomorrow after work.
  19. Oh no, reef raiders! Does the aquacontroller have a probe for that for me to monitor remotely?
  20. When's it supposed to get in Tim? Next week? Can you hold my stuff for me? I'll be out of town until the 30th.
  21. Hmmm, I bet that's due to the internal reflections in the tank and the actual reflector variations themselves. I would imagine for the most part the bulb spits out the same par uniformly, barring build construction qualities. It would be interesting to see your numbers and Woods overlayed on a picture of the tank. I'll PM you concerning the par meter readings on my tank. Thanks. Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the plusrite thread.
  22. Troypt, some of us ARC'ers are eagerly awaiting your pay for par readings plan. You still thinking about doing that? You can put me down as someone interested as long as the price is reasonable.
  23. Wow, Mr. Wilson goes into great detail about the rationale for how you should decide on an optimal temperature for your tank and Shimek's research. I only read the Shimek article. Great add on Mr. Wilson, you can google his link as he has a lot more discussions as well about other reef topics. Niko, I would look specifically on what temperature you should keep your tank. I think you said your tank is newer? Reason being is I don't want everyone to just take this information as a blanket statement that everyone needs to put their tank at 82 degrees. I do it for my SPS, I do it because I have an oversized skimmer that adequately aerates the water, I do it because even though it encourages green algae growth, I have biopellets and tangs that keep it at bay, I do it because average temperature in the room is 78 degrees, I do it because I have 3 metal halides with a small clip-on fan on the side and an auto topoff system to compensate for the evaporation, I do it because I have my own do/ri water to easily refill my topoff. If I mainly had softies or LPS, I would not run the higher temperature, no point in my mind and all that risk of overheating for nothing. I wouldn't run it if I don't have the eye for seeing changes in my coral and knowing immediately that there is something wrong, or that my tank is not mature yet (at least 1 year in my opinion). If I didn't have an oversized skimmer, I would not run the higher temperatures... I hope you get my drift. Each tank and application is different. Sorry, not singling you out but I just want to make sure everyone is not jumping on the bandwagon without fully thinking about their own system charcteristics and the need for it or not. Plus, why expend the extra money on heating your tank during the year for no benefit if zoas or LPS are happy with 78? Just my 2 cents.
  24. Thanks PBNJ for the link. Yeah, 20k all the way. There is a little burn in time of a couple of weeks, but then you are pretty good until around the 6-month mark. Then I change them because I can, not that I have actually observed the shifting of spectrum around 6 months. I just do it just in case and because they are only $13.
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