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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Thanks for the kind words and for reminding me I need a better camera. Haha.
  2. They are harmless. There have been over 100 species of vermetid snails identified already so there may be possible variations to the picture I showed you of other vermetid snail species.
  3. Vermetid snails are stationary. They don't look like your typical snails. The small one's have these purple to almost clear spirals that they live in, but the larger one's almost have a calcareous-like base, similar to your clam's shell. Here's the best picture I could find of what I am thinking of. Don't know if it's similar to what you had but that's my best guess. http://archive.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=700825
  4. My vote is a vermetid snail, one of the larger types. I have the smaller one's in my tank. The mucous string was probably irritating the clam and causing it to keep part of it's mantle closed.
  5. Hi all, updated post with some more frags, lower prices, and better pictures. Since I don't have a fancy DSLR or blue LEDs, I borrowed some pics on the internet that are more representative than my cruddy photos. Thanks!
  6. You mean larger colonies in the 15-30 polyp range Victoly? or $15-$30 range?
  7. Wow, just got my Hanna Checker for alkalinity yesterday and that thing is awesome. Other than them sending me directions with the old powder reagent instructions on it instead of for the liquid reagent (which it came with), it's been perfect. I can't believe I've been messing with titrating and color charts for this long! Anybody with SPS should def own this and the phosphate checker! On a side note, it was on the spot with my Red Sea Pro Kit for alkalinity, which I had suspicions of reading a bit low. Great news except I've suppressed my alkalinity thinking that the reading has been off.
  8. Should be a 28-gallon tank if it is the nanocube HQI version. Great tank and great price for the nice compact, all-in-one look.
  9. FFKasee, Can you list what type of lighting? Metal halide, T-5, wattage? Brand of protein skimmer/return pump/powerheads? How many lbs of live rock? What type? Sorry for all the questions but that's a pretty big purchase for me without knowing some specifics on equipment. Thanks in advance! -Ty
  10. Nice meeting you Mike! Your two girls are adorable. So cute! Hopefully all your corals made it into your tank and their puppy dog eyes didn't persuade one or two frags into their tank. Let me know how you like the blue LEDs over those LA Lakers. Crazy right!?
  11. Yeah, me and color charts don't really get along. That's why my girlfriend is in charge of colors at the house. I wanted to take the perception factor out of my readings.
  12. Sorry Karn, thought I responded to everyone. PM'ed
  13. Awesome Grog! Glad they acclimated so quickly to your tank. Yeah, those duncans are some of my favorite. Don't see many like those around. You'll have to get in line behind my brother, he's first on the frag list. haha.
  14. Nice meeting you too Zane! You're going to love the color on those purple deaths!
  15. Thanks guys. I clicked the order button so it's on its way!
  16. Sweet! Thanks Roland! I've seen your tank and it looks awesome so that speaks volumes of your review. I'll pull the trigger. Thanks bud! -Ty
  17. Hi fellow reefers, Just curious if anybody has the alkalinity checker from Hanna and their experiences with it. I've read some experiences online but I just wanted to see if anybody here had personal experience with it and their thoughts? I have the phosphate one and it is on the spot, I've heard the Calcium is hit or miss sometimes, so I was curious about the alkalinity checker. TIA for any personal reviews. -Ty
  18. Oxides (3-5 polyps) - $10 The orange one's on the right LA Lakers (4-6 polyps) - $10 These look the best under blue LEDs - they pop! Image borrowed from Exotic frags website since I don't have blue LEDs to show them off.
  19. Need to clear off my frag rack. Discounts if you pick up more than 4 frags from me. I'll be available this weekend and next week after work (6pm) for pickup. Please PM for a response as I will be slower with a post. Thanks! -Ty Zoas: Dragonflys (4-6 polyps) - $15$ $10 They are yellowish-green and purple. ignore the 3 random other zoas in the mix
  20. Ahhh, thanks everyone for the quick response!
  21. For those that use the DE bulbs, where have you guys been ordering them? I'm going to switch from SE to DE and can't find where they sell the DE bulbs. Thanks!
  22. Colonies are getting overgrown, time for another frag fest!

    1. o0zarkawater


      You try to make me go to Zoa rehab I said NO NO NO.

  23. FarmerTy

    BW photo

    Found Kermie peeking out from among the zoa polyps.
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