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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Oops, just saw the no PM message. Had a quick question. The two dosing pumps look like they can run on independent speeds but just wanted to confirm. Also, how old are these?
  2. Easy, hire someone else to do it!
  3. That's great news! I was afraid if I needed more that I'd have to answer an ad on Craigslist and meet behind a dumpster somewhere off 6th street to get some!
  4. I repeated 3 treatments with interceptor and have not seen a red bug since. The bayer dip works well if you can remove the coral and able to dip it 3 times in the span of a couple of weeks. The bigger trouble is obtaining interceptor. It's hard to get with it being pulled from the vet shelves and without having a dog in the first place. I would try ordering online, perhaps through Canada? -Ty
  5. Congrats George! I just joined the Apex family too as it is waiting for me at home for when I get back there. I may be piggy backing this thread. -Ty
  6. I have two plates, large and small one, with two fighting conchs in my tank. Never had a problem.
  7. Thanks DC11 and Stemple ATX for coming by. It's always fun to meet some more of the ARC crew and to share the addiction. There's not much left in there but you can pick my brain anytime Stemple.
  8. That's where the feedback is important on this club. If someone has a habit of doing this, their feedback will reflect it. All you have to do is click on their profile and give them a low rating with the star system. I'm sure none of us are fans of no-shows and flakey people.
  9. Had one in a brute trashcan with the lid on mixing saltwater overnight as well. It was practically steaming when I took the lid off. I think its too small of a volume of water for them to cool efficiently. Having the lid closed probably compounded the problem.
  10. The picture is hard to make out but it looks like some type of sponge?
  11. Thanks James! The competition has already got me beat but I wanted to post for the fun of it.
  12. For some reason I remember seeing an upload button in the gallery for the photo contest. It must be user error because James and Dave both were able to submit a photo... unless... it's an ARC staff conspiracy!!! Haha. Someone let me know what I am doing wrong please. Much appreciated! -Ty
  13. FarmerTy


    Pics of my tank and corals
  14. FarmerTy


    From the album: 125-gallon

  15. Versace, The first post is up to date as far as what I have. I have PM'ed you. Thanks.
  16. Well Juiceman added more pictures... I should say 4th one down from the post that is unidentified. Nah its for sure blue milli its a frag of my blue milli colony
  17. Pretty sweet Juiceman. Chip's acro is definitely one of my favorites. That last one looks like a pink jade but too early to tell... might have to grow out a bit first to really know. Looks great man. -Ty
  18. Did you acclimate your SPS frags prior to putting in your tank? Did you introduce the water from your new frags into your tank? My theory is something in the water from your newly bought SPS came into your system and pissed everything else off. The newly bought SPS may have acclimated to the conditions in their previous system but once that water was introduced into yours, that brought about the demise of your current stock. I try to dip, then acclimate all corals to my water by slowly mixing my water into the bag. When it is time to put the coral in, I aim to remove the coral entirely from the bag and discard the bag with the water still in it, only putting the coral itself in my tank. Sorry about your loss!
  19. Def digging the pillars man. Great build.
  20. Hope is they'll do much better now since my tank is more stable. They're so temperamental. I'll put you on the list and hit you up in 2015. Haha.
  21. I'll let you know Rodney about the purple deaths, give me a couple of months. The zoas on the right of the oxides are vivid's blue ice zoas. That actually was my picture. They grow so slow that I've had basically 20-25 for about 1.5 years now!
  22. FarmerTy


    Found what I was looking for. Thanks all! -Ty
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