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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I'd be careful on SPS. I'm an avid peroxide dipper but most SPS don't take to it as well. I've stopped using it on SPS and just use the Bayer Complete Insect Killer for SPS. The peroxide definitely works great on nuisance algae. Zaps it all!
  2. Check out his stripes and the blue dots on his face Bio. Blue-spotted goby seems like the right call.
  3. New55 - medium flow, higher light better for coloration but will do fine in medium lighting Bannerfish - I live in north central austin, specifically by Kramer/Metric. Most users will list their location if you look right below their profile picture. I never noticed it myself until more recently.
  4. Tim. Take a look again at the 2nd picture. There is a bristleworm on the polyps and go up and to the right and on the rock by itself is a nudi... clear as day. I missed it the first time i looked as well. The resolution is so great you can almost see the pink/purple coloration it probably absorbed from its latest zoa victim!
  5. Original post up to date with reserves,
  6. I was wondering what that stuff was, thought it was a xenia stalk at first that floated there and attached. Good eye Jestep on the eggs. Good eye Bio on the original spotting of the nudi.
  7. I see a nudi on pic 2. The line with the legs looks like a bristleworm but if you go up and right of that, on the rock by itself, there is a nudi sitting in plain view for all to see. Destroy that thing! -Ty
  8. Yeah, the bright red and bright green things should be mushrooms. Amphipods for sure, not copepods, though sometimes I use the term interchangeably myself even though I know its not right. +1 on the sponge identification... at least that what it appears to be to me. Asterina star for sure, they are harmless. People report some species eating zoas but in my opinion, thats just because the zoa went downhill already and the stars are just cleaning up the rotting polyp. I have 100s in my tank and a ton of zoa polyps. The only one's I have ever seen eating a polyp were on colonies that were going south already. If I have zoa eating stars, they would have cleaned out that colony and then moved onto a fresh colony. They never do. Just my 2 cents though and just speaking with my own experience. Somebody else may have a killer asterina starfish amongst their tank inhabitants! -Ty
  9. Added pictures and a couple more frags... will add more tonight.
  10. Thanks Victoly. I posted some online that I already had pictures of... I will post the rest as the week goes on.
  11. We are so helpful and generous on this club... man those corals look crowded... let me help you out by taking some off your hands! Haha
  12. Victoly - APARs... ugh! Being overly repetitive is a skill you need to master to draft one of these. SCEV - No kidding... that's why it's the perfect hobby. You nickel and dime your way into it, one upgrade and one new frag at a time. That way you can sneak it past the wife. If you are actually willing to do woodwork for frags + cash, I'm sure you'll get a lot of takers on the forum. I know I'd be one of them when I get my next tank sometime in 2013. -Ty
  13. Cleanup crew looks solid. I'd be surprised if most of that fish wasn't gone already. The candy cane does look pretty pissed. Don't know much about your setup but generally too much light or flow is to blame. 3rd problem may be water quality if not the first two. Mine generally don't like much flow. They don't like to be blasted with lights but can be acclimated to it over time.
  14. I was 160% billable the last two months. The last two weeks of 40 hrs has been a wonderful dream that I don't want to wake up from!
  15. Hey Victoly, you're in the same work world as I am... I at least should get some sympathy from you!
  16. For sure, get that dead fish out of there. My clean up crew destroys anything that might have died but I aim to remove if possible. In a larger tank you might not notice the ammonia spike but in smaller systems, it may be disaster. If it is stuck somewhere I can't get however, I am confident in my clean-up crew doing its job and just aim to do a water change in the coming days. If you can't blast the fish out, put that turkey baster into full suck mode! -Ty
  17. I hear you Mike. I have been downgraded to one closet rack since my fiance moved in. She's got the other 3/4 of the closet to herself, as well as all the shelves, and then all the closet space in the other two rooms. Half my shoes are in the garage! But I own the fish room.... better start planting some flags before she tries to overtake that area too! -Ty
  18. I'll trade you my coral frags for your stand and canopy building frags anyday. Haha. Well, once I get my upgrade tank maybe. Let me know when you're ready and you can swing on by and take a look. I should have some good frags by then. Been a little behind on fragging due to my work schedule. -Ty
  19. I think instead of sunflowers in the background, you need to have sea stars!
  20. Yeah, it's like an odd law of reef tanks. You move the rocks and your aquascape will never be the same again. It's like a reef commandment. Thou shalt not move live rock or else bear the punishment of your aquascape forever lost! I'd get a turkey baster and just blast the heck out of the area between the rocks until your dead little fishy comes out. At least they could be a good first try before having to move your aquascaping.
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