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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Hi Nicole, Should be a chiton (got plenty in my tank) or a stomatella snail. Got tons of those in my tank. Hopefully you got a hitchhicker limpet as well. They all munch away on film algae and other types of algae. All beneficial. -Ty
  2. Aquatek carries the little pH packets and usually have 4.0, 7.0, and 10.0 packets in stock.
  3. Thanks! I just got tube anemone envy! Looks nice!
  4. Thats an awesome shot man. I wish I had a nice camera... take care of my fungia baby. They are like my kids. Haha.
  5. At first I read that your maroon clown split and I was like... whoa... the possibilities! I'm going to go pick me up an achilles tang!
  6. I have a $25 gift certificate with them and needed to use it to buy a float valve. That's all I really need from them so that leaves about $12 worth of credit on there. They won't let you use the GC for shipping ($6) so I figured if anybody wanted to, they could pay the $6 for shipping and use the rest of the GC ($12ish) to buy what they want and I can just get the float valve without having to pay shipping. Win win... basically netting $6 for whoever wants it and then get free shipping while you're at it! Now, who's interested in free money and free shipping? Haha! -Ty
  7. Just my 2 cents but all the natural copepods, microfauna, and stuff you get from live sand will come in time. No need to pay for it. You can just get some sand and water from an established tank and you're good to go.
  8. Looking to order a float valve from Air Water Ice and was looking for someone to use the other half of the GC and pay for shipping. PM me if you want to be that other person. I live in North Central Austin. Not looking to organize a group buy, just want to knock off some of the shipping costs. Thanks! Hit me up if you are interested. -Ty
  9. I've made way more money off my frag rack then I spent on GFO up to this point. Plus, it's fun to grow little baby corals. Haha. Point taken though, chaeto is a lot less maintenance then glueing corals to frag plugs all day long. Plus, in a natural system, it takes care of itself and doesn't need me to change the media out monthly. Either way, he's already got a frag rack so moot point for myself.
  10. Success! Once I changed the theme, it reverted back to mobile mode! Thanks Mike! You're like a website wizard!
  11. Cool, thanks Mike. I just switched the theme and it looks awesome! Love the contrast. I wonder if this will solve my mobile/full site issue I am having on my phone right now.
  12. Price drop and free purple cap frag with fairy dust zoa frag. I want my sandbed back!
  13. Good to finally meet you Theresa. Glad you could find a home for all those fungia babies! They are my favorites!
  14. If it were me, I'd totally ditch the refugium (as long as you keep vodka dosing and using GFO) and turn that sucker into a frag rack.
  15. Thats the only button I know other than to PM someone! Haha. Out of curiosity, anybody know how to switch back to mobile mode on an android. Accidentally pushed the full website button and now I am stuck!
  16. Yeah, sometimes I forget and leave my blinds open at night and I can see people slow driving by my house. Not sure if they are scoping the place or a fan of reef tanks. Haha.
  17. Yikes! Start over! I'm more worried about the possibly flukes! Empty out everything, kill them all (for sure don't release them in any native waters), and start over. Just my 2 cents! Sorry about the problem, we all make mistakes along the way to our perfect reef tanks. http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2006-11/mg/index.php
  18. I should gave one available Rob. PM sent.
  19. Got plenty. Got some people coming over tomorrow after 630pm if you want to swing by. Lmk.
  20. 6-7" above the water, 48" strip on a 72" tank.
  21. Thanks everyone for the awesome feedback! Jimbo662 - I'm a little jealous that the purple cap is looking good for you but never looked good in my tank! haha! Bio, got your fungia plate. Let me know what size you want and you can just paypal me some of my money back I sent you for the BRS order. Haha. Cash works too. -Ty
  22. Yeah, I use a blue stunner strip purely for aesthetics. That's all I treat them as. I have nothing to add to concerning red LEDs in a tank system... know nothing about that subject matter. Just wanted to chime in on the stunners.
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