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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. You planning to kill my entire tank o0zarkawater? Got you down bud.
  2. Added a couple of stragglers to the sale list.
  3. Pm'ed all replies and updated post.
  4. Thanks Niko. I would highly recommend doing it on your new tank. We spend a ton of money on livestock and not enough money/effort safeguarding it. While transferring everything to the new tank, dipping in the old one for the few weeks preceding the transfer would fit in the schedule nicely. Hit me up if you have any questions on dipping your coral with Bayer Insectide. It works like a charm for SPS though I will be honest, I haven't tried it much on LPS and zoas but I heard it works just as well.
  5. I should be able to make it this Thursday hopefully. See the drinking/reef crew there! -Ty
  6. Just a quick update, 5 weeks later after the initial dipping program and no sign of AEFWs... though I did murder about 50 mini brittle stars, 80 asterina stars, 30 stomatella snails, and about a dozen limpets. I'm not going to even try to count the number of amphipods and mini-snails that were killed! So, at least my paranoia can cease now about my precious SPS collection succumbing to AEFWs. It was a big precautionary step I took but I am happy with the decision. I don't intend to add any more frags to my system and plan to just let everything grow out for the next year. If I do decide to add any more corals, I will add a bunch of corals all at the same time so I can setup the QT and QT them for a month prior to adding to the display tank. I say that as I know olaggie will try to tempt me with some beautiful SPS sooner or later. Haha. So now, back to the regularly scheduled program of checking my water parameters 1/month, emptying out the skimmer cup weekly, feeding the fish, and cleaning the front glass. I think I am going to hit the cruise control button on my tank and get back to more watching and less time with my hand in the tank. My watching journey will start with this: -Ty
  7. Hi crew, Just a couple of frags I have been needing to get rid of as they are taking up space. As usual, I have included a representative picture when necessary as I only have a camera phone. German Blue polyp digitata - 3" frag multibranch (one on the left), $15 Also for sale in picture - zoas, either pinwheels or green bay packers... can't tell. $10, 5-polyp frag -sold Kryptonite Candy Canes - $20, 11-head frag (picture shown is mother colony) Red Cap - $5 2x3" frag (about size of a credit card)
  8. I keep mine at 82 for a mixed reef system.
  9. I just caught him and unfortunately the person lined up to pick him up has scheduling conflicts and can't grab him. He has graciously given up his spot for the hippo tang so that it can get into a home fast so that he doesn't sit too long in the sump. It's nice to meet other aquarists that care about the animals they take care of. He's back on the table, ready for pickup tonight or tomorrow at the latest. $40... and oh yeah, he's really more like 5-6" instead of 4-5", I highly underestimated his size. Let me know ASAP. I will be checking my PM box regularly. -Ty
  10. FarmerTy

    zoa id

    They look like radioactive dragoneyes. -Ty
  11. Agreed... dinos were the worst battle I ever fought... and it came about after removing my cyano. I will take a little of the purple stuff anyday over dinos.
  12. Looks like a blue polyp digitata. I have some in my tank. They are good growers.
  13. Like Mitch said, extra coarse size for sure. You can rinse the media and reuse, shouldn't be a problem. -Ty
  14. It works in my application as I keep the house at 80 while I am at work and aim to keep my tank at 81-83. When I am at home, the temp is 77. The fans are capable of keeping it in that temperature range so no additional running of my AC is needed for tank, other than my own personal settings I set my AC at independent of having a tank or not. Doesn't apply to everyone but works for me.
  15. I am a fan/evaporation guy. For my application, it works and cheaper than a chiller. Plus, I can have more redundancies with multiple fans versus one chiller. Wal-mart clip-on fan... $10-15, add to my controller and done. -Ty
  16. Sweet. Let me know what I owe you for 3 bulbs and I can paypal or bring cash when it arrives. Thanks! -Ty
  17. What we need here is someone with an established SPS tank who ran MH or T5s and had amazing colors to start with, then switch to LED and had the same result or even better with LED as far as growth and coloration is considered. I know most are newer to SPS, including myself, and went straight to LED or quickly went to LED so haven't really seen first hand stable coloration from other technologies over their tank besides LED. Closest comparison I have is the showtank at aquatek. I thought it was stunning when they ran just MH but when they switched to LED, I was far less impressed. I don't know if they had other spectrums like the reds, UV, and green in their LEDs but I did not like the look of the tank after they switched. I would have liked to have seen Tim's tank (wizard) with LEDs over it (longterm... not just really quick). He had amazing coloration and he used a combo of 400 watt MH and T5. Didn't someone like Don Duncan or someone else who had a great SPS collection switch from MH to LED within the last year? Wonder how their tank looks now. I just remember someone had their tank half lit with LED s and the other half with MHs for a brief transition period before fully going LED. -Ty
  18. I think I will try to make it out tonight if my first happy hour ends at a reasonable hour. Hope to see everyone there. -Ty
  19. Yeah, it isnt a hydnophora but closest I could come up with. It seriously looks like some type of branching monti. I can't really tell what #4 is by just a picture. May just need to grow out more.l or see it in person.
  20. Shots in the dark here since I am ID from pictures but... 1) hydnophora is my closest guess but looks more like some type of branching monti 2) Steve Elias Blue Stag 3) green slimer 4) purple meridiana -Ty
  21. Thanks guys. Let me check with Tim and see if it is cool. You are talking about wizard right? Brian, thanks for the offer of dropping off. I think I should be good to just pick up from Rory since his work is not too far away from my house. No need in troubling you with the logistics but appreciate the offer man. Reeflover... jeez... where have you been man? Baby consuming your life huh? Thanks for the offer to borrow. If things fall through with Tim's, I may take you up on your offer. Chad and Belinda... you are officially off the hook but thanks so much for the quick offer! -Ty
  22. No problem, let's double the order and split the shipping! Uhhh... why don't you inquire about a buy 2 get 1 free offer with DAS and I will call dibs on the free one. I will split the shipping of course because I am a gentlemen. :-)
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