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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. That's how my fungia farm looked at its peak! Still producing from 7 different budding spots so the old gal has still got life to her.
  2. Fan of 2 coral plus, one blue plus, and one purple plus. Good clean 14k, not too blue either. -TY
  3. If it was my 6-bulb setup, I would do 3 coral+, 2 blue+, and a purple+. -Ty
  4. I am wondering that myself! Got 4 tiger tail sea cucumbers in my tank and wondering if I get a harlequin... will they be toast!
  5. FarmerTy


    Mark me down sir! I'll grab them next week when I return your camera!
  6. I usually frag with more than one polyp... survival rates are dismal otherwise.... even two polyps is not worth it to me. I also leave the plug where the colony was originally. It is already stressed with the fragging... but also adding different lighting and flow could stress it even more.
  7. Whoa, I love it when old posts get resurrected from the dead! Kudos to Mark for the response. -Ty
  8. Just did some inbox housecleaning for the upcoming frag fest Part III. Look for something this Sunday or Monday!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. brian.srock


      Peanut butter and crackers are real cheap.

    3. wizardx322


      Dang Ty I hope u have some when I get a tank

    4. FarmerTy


      I know you're all about the SPS Wizard, gotcha covered. This is just for zoas. Esacjack, why do you think I am selling corals... honeymoon man! My wedding is in 4 weeks!

  9. Ugh... family emergency. I know I am failing the ARC community!
  10. Holy fungia gods!!! That's some amazing growth! -Ty
  11. Huge fan of ASM myself!
  12. How come Bayer Insecticide wasn't invited to the party?
  13. I accidentally left my light on overnight and all my xenias disappeared the next morning. I did lose one chalice from it but it took care of my xenia problem. Haha.
  14. The green zoas are radioactive dragoneyes.
  15. Hi Labradorduck, I remember when you were on the forums before. Welcome back! -Ty
  16. You must have a grip that could crush a man's skull to be able to pick up 10lb+ rocks in your tank with that gripper!
  17. Got one of these, worked great for about 2 years and then it got a little rusty, but at $2, just go buy another. -Ty
  18. Happy birthday man. May many new zoa colonies be in your future. -Ty
  19. I am sure he means Wizard... aka, Tim.
  20. Am I the club member? I can't remember! Haha. -Ty
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