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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I will take it. Pmed! -Ty
  2. +1 to what Victoly said... he knows his equipment noises well.
  3. Thanks guys for the advice. Was there a particular type of silicone that was used that is better than others? I was thinking of using black silicone and also building it with a eurobrace. I am still mentally scarred from having a middle brace all these years.
  4. Never tried to reseal a tank but for those that have firsthand, easy process? I am inheriting a tank but would like to replace the front pane of glass and reseal the whole thing while I am at it since it has been sitting outside for the last year. Or do I really just need to reseal the outer sealant and not the stuff sandwiched in between the glass? Any firsthand tips appreciated! -Ty
  5. My LPS are probably not the happiest they could be but for the ideal SPS tank (which most prefer ULNS), I think the BPs are doing the job I intended them to do. I was on an LPS purge anyways.
  6. I have been using BPs for 1.5 years now and am very happy with the results. I run a predominately SPS system with some zoas and even fewer LPS. One can of BPs lasts forever!!!
  7. Later this year? Be looking to offload a 6' tank by that time if everything goes right with the new one. :-)
  8. Been awhile since I have updated. Nothing new other my topoff bucket being empty for a day or so and increased my salinity enough to piss off my montis and completely RTN a small frag of strawberry shortcake acro. I think Victoly wins the prize for guessing what happened in my tank a couple weeks ago. Then bryopsis popped out of nowhere and ran amock in my tank. Got a gallon of Kents Tech M on the way to eradicate it. Hopefully I am one of the success stories with the Tech M. We will see starting Thursday. Lastly, I always ran a little low on PO4 at around 0.009 ppm in my tank. (natural seawater is around 0.032 ppm if I remember right). Well, I am guessing with the bryopsis explosion, PO4 was being stripped out of my water column even more. I ran the ultra low PO4 hanna meter (reads down to the ppb) and it read 0 ppb twice! Should have noticed my faded colors on my acros and my almost clear chalices but alas, a wedding and honeymoon keeps a guy just a bit distracted. I killed my GFO and shut off my skimmer for a couple of days... not to mention feed the heck out of my fish. We got some fat, round bellies in here! PO4 returned to 0.009 ppm but I am going to keep up the regiment until I get around 0.025. Might not happen with the bryopsis in the tank but once I eradicate it, I should hopefully have a better level of PO4 in the tank. Here's keeping my fingers crossed. Zoa frag-a-thon delayed until I see no signs of bryopsis. If I have time later, I will update with pics of my bryopsis farm and faded sps. Cheers!
  9. Airgas, $12 for exchange of 5lb tank. Its right around the corner from my house.
  10. Jeez... heard this on the radio this morning and just about weeped for the future of mankind. Lol.
  11. May be getting my hands on a 225-gal tank next week. So excited!!!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Jimbo662


      You know Ty will fill this new one to over capacity too! :-)

    3. o0zarkawater


      I think John has plenty of space in his new place for your old 125.

    4. FarmerTy


      I wish that 125 could be a frag tank. It would be the shortest marriage ever. Hmmm, I know exactly which wall John could put it on!

  12. Welcome from the other side of the river! -Ty
  13. I have a nano wavebox for my 125-gal 6ft long tank and it makes a nice 1-1.5" wave in my tank with no dangers of overflow over the side. I don't know about the full size wavebox but I am a big proponent of just trying it out and seeing. Just have some towels ready. :-)
  14. FarmerTy


    Welcome back Ryan! Glad you decided to scratch that itch! -Ty
  15. Kim, You can hit up Roger at Tunze. The repair facility is located up north off 35/Braker area. I think someone off the club bought a digital controller unit off of him for @$50. That will probably be your best resource or you can probably have one of the LFS order it for you. I know Aquatek carries Tunze.
  16. Ditto what offroaddodge said, that manual controller is a pain. You barely touch it and you changed the frequency. I speak from direct experience, I still have one! Once you get a solid wave, just sit there and wait for a couple minutes and wait to see if it sustains. I have noticed that when it doesn't sustain, increasing the speed just a bit gets me to that magic frequency.
  17. Hmmm... something is out of sorts with my system. Some of my montis are starting to STN and one SPS RTN overnight! Time to run some tests!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Grog


      STN? RTN?

    3. o0zarkawater


      Yeah, ill take the zoas for safe keeping. Kthx.

    4. FarmerTy


      STN on only the montis, but it looks like its stopped. One SPS RTN but that was it. Odd.

  18. Welcome back to the hobby Stephanie! Glad you have more time to spend on the tank these days. Good luck with kicking it back up and keep an eye on the sale forum, people usually have a lot of nice coral they are getting rid of. -Ty
  19. I wish I had that one!!! Keep checking AquaSD... they always have some awesome plates.
  20. FarmerTy

    65 rimless

    Looking good man! Always loved the look of a rimless tank!
  21. It's an unknown SPS species. I don't know what it is but in my lighting it has a tan body, green polyps, and light blue tips. So... it remains unknown. Sorry. The tips are good though, means it is growing in your system Mike. -Ty
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