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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I just pm'ed you her message on meetup times. I don't think she will mind since you bought something from her. I think you just missed her last drop but the PM has her cell phone number for you to call and coordinate. Hopefully that helps.
  2. Sherita PM'ed me her list of meetup locations and times. I would imagine she sent that to everyone who was going to buy from her. Did you not receive it?
  3. Feather dusters and red valonia. Can't tell what the first picture is but if I had to guess it would be a ball anemone.
  4. Yeah, I'd say something to do with delayed shock response... birdsnest are fickle anyways. I could move any of SPS to any other spot in my tank (even like the sensitive one's like the echinatas) but if I touch the birdnest and move it 4" to the left or right, it will STN half the colony. Ridiculous.
  5. Thanks bud! I am unfortunately a serial overthinker! Thanks for the advice! I will heed it! -Ty
  6. Hi neonreefer, Thanks for the advice. The water change is really to lower my Mg to blast them again with the shock of increasing the Mg again using the Tech M. Most user feedback points to an impurity in the Tech M and I wanted to lower the overall Mg via water change and blast them with more Tech M and the magical impurity that was knocking it out in the first place. I have been carbon dosing for 3 years now with great success, first with vodka and for the last 2 years with biopellets. It is great at removing nitrates but not as efficient with PO4. GFO takes care of the rest of the PO4, so much so that my SPS became faded and my LPS began to decline. Even in that ULN environment, the bryopsis still grew slowly. I have no doubt the Tech M treatment will work as it was working great already. I just did a quick water change (mainly cause I could use the discarded water for my QT since I bought some new fish) and use that as an excuse to lower Mg to blast it with more Tech M as some say it is the shock mainly kills it. All hearsay and educated guesses at best but I thought I would give it a try to blast them again. Did you do anything else with your bryopsis treatment regiment other than Tech M and the carbon dosing?
  7. I got an email response about 24-30 hrs later. I had to call 7 times before I got a real live person to pay for my order with. I understand they are a small family operation but it was quite frustrating. Maybe that's why chromis only costs $2, low overhead from not hiring a phone receptionist. Either way, I'll take it!
  8. Giant! 240 gallons. I am a little confused with the application of the rubberbands.
  9. Hey ARC crew, Just getting rid of some stuff that I trimmed or that has been sitting in my sump for way too long. Most pictures are taken in the QT tank under PC lighting... don't worry, just placed the corals in there last night to get them out of the way for selling. Some frags came from my sump with 10k lighting in it so colors are washed out a bit but should color up under normal conditions. I will use actual mother colony pictures where I can. Paypal to reserve unless you bought from me before. Pick up today through the weekend. Thanks! Green monti cap colony... about 8" x 6" (HUGE!!!) - $25 -pending [/url] Bunch of large pieces - $10 -sold 3" x 3" - $5 -pending Mother colony Two multibranch forest fire digitata frags - $20/ large piece (linear inches - 10-11") -pending - $10/ smaller piece (linear inches - 6-7") -pending Representative picture Tricolor nana frag - fully encrusted plug $10 -pending Representative pic Broken yellow scroll coral pieces - $5 -pending Mother Unknown chalice - $10 - lost color in my tank 3" x 3" -pending Large LPS colony - $10 reddish brown with cyan blue centers, 3" x 3" -pending Old picture Green spongodes -$5 2"x1" frag green monti on right
  10. Just a few bad pictures of my new livestock additions. 10 Chromis, 1 clownfish, and 1 mandarin goby came in from the Reefs2go group buy. I will say I am satisfied with the order and they are all currently in a QT tank for now until they are ready for the big tank. The mandarin looked a little on the skinnier side so I went ahead and put him in the main display to feast on pods. And away he went... "Which one's of the thousands of pods on the wall should I snack on next..." Here's a bad shot of the school of chromis and the overly excited clownfish. They just move too fast! This is hopefully who the new clownfish will pair up with... While I was at it, I did some serious trimming of my green monti cap and then proceeded to make some accidental frags while I was at it. Might as well have a trimming frag party and get rid of some stuff now before the giant tank comes. Look for a "for sale" thread soon.
  11. Thanks Jaggedfire! I am trying to get all the advice I can get before I have to undertake this resealing process. What did you use for spacers? That part still baffles me. Do I leave the spacer in there with the silicone? -Ty
  12. Pleased with my order. I wasn't expecting giant chromis for $1.99/piece but they were bigger than what I had hoped. They were all active and healthy and looked great in the QT tank. The clownfish was the perfect size, maybe smaller that what most would have wanted but I wanted it to pair with a large clownfish I already had so the smaller the better for that purpose. The mandarin was awesomely active and looked healthy. The pod pack was a disappointment indeed, there were only amphipods in there (which the mandarin doesn't even eat anyways) and no copepods to be seen. There definitely wasn't 250 pods in there, that's for sure. I give them at most, credit for 30-40 amphipods. Either way, my mandarin was cheaper because of the "perfect pair" pack so I saved $3 to get a cruddy bag of amphipods. No biggie, I have a gadgillion copepods in my 125-gal display that the little guy will be fat and happy in no time. All and all, would do again. Thanks for spearheading the group buy Sascha and good to meet you man. -Ty
  13. I am in week 3 of my bryopsis treatment in my 125-gallon tank with Tech M. Within the first week almost all of it disintegrated. I had raised my Mg from 1400 to 1880 ppm. I feel like there is somewhat of a rebound of the bryopsis so I am doing a water change and them blasting them again with Tech M. I will keep updating in my tank build thread. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/25278-jeepertys-non-build-build-thread/page-3 -Ty
  14. Wow! That is insane! Maybe that's how they make their real money.
  15. Don't forget to record turbidity and to decon the flow-through cell between wells! (Sorry, nerdy environmental humor)
  16. Great tank build. Welcome back to the hobby!
  17. Anybody interested in a cable for Victoly to mod for you, let me know. I will order them Monday morning. Please confirm with Victoly first if he can do it for you. -Ty
  18. That's awesome! Congrats James!
  19. I knew water would be shooting out of my tank at full power in the wave mode so I didn't set myself up for that disaster! What mode do you have yours in?
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