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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. So back to the WP40. Had Victoly whip me up a nice little cable adapter to control my WP40 via the Apex, and not by its supplied control box anymore. He modified a Reef Angel Jaebo cable for me to use with my Apex. Look for the Jaebo/Speedwave cable http://www.reefangel.com/order.aspx One cable should be able to control two pumps via the variable dimmer module (VDM) that is built into the full version Apex (4 variable ports). You can buy a separate VDM module if you have the Apex lite or Jr. Victoly's modified Jaebo to Apex cable: After a crash course in programming and actually using my Apex as more than just an over-glorified timer switch, I setup some pump profiles by using some programming I found online already, and then customized it for my system. Here's the Apex wizard I copied my code from (Slief from Reefcentral): http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1994312 The most amazing thing happened... I put in the code, and it worked! Don't ask me how to program or set yours up... mine was pure dumb luck and straight copying of code. If I can do it, even an untrained monkey has hope. Here's a screen grab of my Apex variable port program chart: Here's video of the wave mode: And of the dawn/dusk mode: All my modes are as follows: Set Wave1 If Time 11:30 to 16:59 Then DuskDawn <-----softer pulse of 7 secs on and 3 secs off for dawn and dusk If Time 17:00 to 00:59 Then Wave1 <-----stronger pulses of on off cycle about 1 per sec (similar to my nano wavebox but way more turbulent) If Time 01:00 to 03:29 Then DuskDawn If Time 03:30 to 11:29 Then Night <-----sustained slower current at 30% power If Outlet Timer1 = ON Then Rt_Flush <-----30 sec burst at 100%, followed by 30 secs off. When I get my 2nd WP40, I'll actually have a Lt_flush If Outlet Timer2 = ON Then DuskDawn If Outlet Timer3 = ON Then Wave2 <-----not functioning right now until I get the 2nd WP40. Basically same as Wave1 but both pumps not synced If FeedA 000 Then OFF This is just a start. May implement some tidal swells of 1 hr one direction, then reverse direction of flow. Would need the 2nd WP40 before I can start messing with that however. Did I mention how awesome this pump is? If not, then... its AWESOME!
  2. Still dreaming about that bigger tank...

    1. Robb in Austin
    2. ckyuv


      How funny I had the same dream!

  3. Hilarious! I skipped right over kalk and went 2-part... when that was not enough for me, I went all in with the CaRX.
  4. In my experience, swings of alk are the devil and are less tolerated than swings of pH.
  5. I think we're talking about several different scenarios here. If I didn't have SPS, I ran PO4 around 0.1-0.2 ppm and have no problems. Heck, the zoas and LPS probably enjoyed it more. When I went heavy on SPS, my best coloration was always found around 0.01-0.03. That's where I always saw better coloration on my SPS. When I dipped below 0.01, my SPS started fading. My red planet was more of a pink planet. My cali tort was light blue instead of the good dark blue. The opposite was true as well. When I got above 0.03, my colors started browning out. Again, this is only regarding SPS. I didn't bother with GFO and biopellets before I got SPS, a simple 10-20% water change took care of it every 2 weeks for LPS and zoas. If everything looks happy, I wouldn't bother chasing numbers. I just chase numbers because of those stupid colored sticks!
  6. When mine read zero, I pulled the GFO. My coral are definitely looking better today and my SPS look less faded. Mind you, it read 0 on the PPB Hanna meter. Yikes!
  7. You'll have much practice by then Victoly!
  8. Its just dumping its zooxanthallae. Usually does that if stressed or too high lighting. Sometimes mine also just does it for maintenance I think to control zooxanthallae levels.
  9. Don't tempt me, I have been weighing the thought of the new tank with only SPS.
  10. Be interested in a WP40 if someone can coordinate a group order. Right now you can buy for approx $90-100 on EBay. If the group order is cheaper, I'm in!
  11. Do what I am doing Juiceman and boot out all the cheapy SPS, there's always room for more then!
  12. Great tank! I was a big fan of my nanocube when I first started in the hobby.
  13. Just from first-hand experience, the WP40 worked perfectly in my 125-gallon 6' long tank. Could almost be the only powerhead I need in that tank but my SPS like their flow. The flow was still good and strong on the opposite end of the tank without blasting the corals directly in front of it.
  14. Only thing I noticed was fading on some of my montis and some of my zoas released their zoozanthallae. I had a colony or two of zoas melt but otherwise no other ill effects. I have a predominantly SPS tank with some zoas and very few LPS.
  15. Good to know the shock and awe did it! I haven't seen anything in the last week so I am hoping the last shock and awe did it.
  16. I'll let you know if its worth it after I get it back from Victoly. Tank is looking good!
  17. I think maroon but I am no clown expert.
  18. Big fan of the WP40 myself. Victoly stole it from me but he promises it will play nice with my APEX once he's finished. Are you planning to run it only in wave mode only? Been playing with "else" mode the most.
  19. Yeah, I am worried about the weight of that glass. I will luckily have both, 4 suction cups and a buddy to help. Still waiting on if I actually get the tank or not. My dad was never one to keep promises so fingers crossed that he actually gives me his old tank.
  20. On that note, can I borrow your Orphek LED fixture? :-)
  21. That would be pretty awesome. Anybody have a nice wireless/controllable camera that they are using with their current system? The newer, snazzier apex front page is begging for a video feed!
  22. Yeah, if it is a small amount then I would just add it in since your water capacity is greater than most and can take it. But if it's a ton of rock, then my vote is for the cycle in a separate bucket method. How's your livestock doing these days?
  23. Here's a link for instructions. http://www.neptunesystems.com/firmware-update-version-4-20/
  24. Just update the firmware, shouldn't take you long at all. That way you can just use the new app you got on your phone to control it. I speak from experience as I just updated mine today as well. Slackers unite!
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