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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. My pH swings 0.3 per day
  2. Juiceman, check out my tank build thread. I posted programming and even video of it in action.
  3. Get in line Robb, I already offered him back a piece of his jedi mind trick!
  4. Sorry Clint. That's awful man! I couldn't imagine if all my SPS died! Let me know when you are ready for frags. -Ty
  5. I would go bulk 2-part versus the expensive pre-mixed stuff. Its dummy proof and way cheaper.
  6. Amen to the deep end, went from hand dosing, 2-part, and then CaRx. I do enjoy the ease of a CaRx setup. Plus it makes me feel all hi-tech with gas tanks and solenoids and what not. Plays well with my inner scientist. -Ty
  7. I think everyone pretty much covered everything that I would try. Mainly, spreading the meals out, eating several small meals per day instead of three big ones. Aim to have your biggest portions earlier in the day with a smaller dinner at night. If I had to critique your current dietary list, I would aim to cut out the sweetened tea over time. I was hooked on soft drinks and gave them up over time by drinking lemonade and slowly diluting it so it was less sugary each time. Until I was basically drinking lemon flavored water. Perhaps do what ct67stang mentioned and flavor your water. That would at least cut out the processed sugars out of your diet and keep you from tasting dust when drinking water. Ellipticals are expensive but just might be what you need with the bum ankle and no pool in your area. Have you tried those zumba and aerobic type workout videos? I tried one of my wives and almost died doing it... much more cardio than I thought and definitely different than the 4-5hrs of basketball I play a week. It definitely had me sweating.
  8. I got a surge protector that I can write on the side with a permanent marker, "EB8".
  9. Was going to say the same thing. Activity level has plateaued. Shock the system and do other physical activities. If you jog, then go swimming. You can never beat cardio mixed with a good dietary intake level to lose weight. Good luck with your goal.
  10. Selling my Reef Fanatic Micro pH controller that I have been using to control my Calcium reactor. It is really easy to use and program and has treated me well the last 2 years. I am selling the unit itself without a pH probe. You will have to buy your own pH probe for it to work. Nice alternative to run a CaRx without having to spend all that money on an Apex. Has a connector for the pH probe and a controlled outlet for a solenoid that switches on/off depending on the pH levels. I was using it even though I had an Apex because I wanted to free up some outlets on my Apex system. You could do the same if you already have an Apex and want to free up an outlet/port. You can also use it in place of having to buy a $350+ controller like an Apex. Brand new it runs about $150-185 with pH probe. Get it used for $60 and buy your own probe. PM is the key. Cash or paypal only. $60 $40 Thanks!
  11. 210, and I am actually going to be taking it apart and resealing the tank. Then I plan to eurobrace it and forego the center brace. Had a center brace over my current tank and it has been the bane of my existence!
  12. Ah yeah... let the games begin... Who's ready to upgrade?
  13. I have my duncans in daily temperature swings of 80-82.5 F and pH daily swings of 8.0-8.3. Mine closed the most due to abrupt lighting changes over the years that I have had my colony. I think they are just sensitive in general to any type of swing until they are used to it. They appear to have a longer than usual response to environmental changes and stay "pissed off" for a longer period than most corals I have had experience with. But they always come back and in full bloom after a couple of days. Just my observations.
  14. Chipp, I bought this one about 2 years ago. I don't know if its under warranty or not anymore but I would doubt it. I know it hasn't given me a problem in that time and was working just fine until I pulled it offline about a week ago.
  15. Chippwalters, you are right. Don't forget tax and shipping depending on where you are buying.
  16. How'd I not think that you two would not chime in!
  17. I upgraded my Apex to the full version and am selling my Apex Lite unit with display and temp probe. You will need to buy your own Energy Bar 4 or 8 to run it with your system. I'll throw in a pH probe but not sure how long its been in storage as it came with my full version Apex I bought. I have already upgraded it to the newest firmware version, 4.20. **Repeat, you will need to buy your own EB4 or EB8 to run/control powered accessories with it ...otherwise, you will only be able to monitor temp and pH and thats no fun. :-) PM is key. Thanks. $175, cash. PENDING -Ty
  18. Regarding the chromis, I think the multiple feedings a day help too. Things tend to fight less when they are all fat and happy. I had a large school before and they all picked each other off until there were only 3 left. I only fed 1x/day so I hope my new theory on feeding them multiple times a day will prove fruitful.
  19. They are temperamental sometimes but always survive. I think they are very sensitive to changes and take longer than most to adjust, but they will. Mine has closed for lighting changes, flow changes, and salinity changes for a couple of days but always open back up.
  20. Welcome Lori! (from another north austinite!) -Ty
  21. Always had good interactions with people 95% of the time on the club... like offroaddodge said... just let it go and assume a small percentage of any group will be jerks and have no manners. Sorry about the crummy transaction.
  22. Agreed, since you are like a 3rd party peripheral manufacturer for them, I think you should bring this up at the next sales meeting.
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