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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Hello fellow reefers, Have some stuff I am getting rid of. The usual, paypal to reserve unless you've bought from me before. PM is the key. Thanks! Cherrybombs/Zombie Eye Zoas - 5 polyps, $15 -all sold!!! Shot I took this week of some in my tank: Here is an image I found online: Fungia Plate babies - small one (penny to nickel sized inflated) $10 -5 left; large one (quarter to half-dollar sized) $15 -3 left oxide polyps $10 -sold 8 dragoneye polyps $20 - 2 frags available -all pending/sold 10 king midas polyps $10 - 5 frags available -all pending/sold 8-10 polyps dragonfly zoas $10 -all pending/sold 50+ unknown polyps $25 -pending
  2. You know what would look great in that tank? A baby orange plate! PM'ed
  3. Thanks bud! The more I leave it alone, the better it looks.
  4. That one Grog is a pearlberry in its new spot. Hope it likes it!
  5. Thanks, I rented a professional rolling camera cart and stuck my Galaxy S3 on the front of it with velcro. That and maybe clicked the anti-shake button on youtube to smooth out my shakey old man hands. That sir is my ORA Hawkins Echinata I got from Wizard (Tim) a couple years ago. Perhaps my sandbed/frag rack clear out will fund my new WP-40 and I may call on your services.
  6. A video update of my tank after glueing up some SPS colonies I had laying around and cleaning up the sandbed. The colors are almost all back now after the successful shock and awe treatment for bryopsis. Be on the lookout for a sandbed/frag rack clearance post.
  7. Nice looking tank. Congrats on the baby and house too!
  8. FarmerTy


    Here's another account of experience with bubbling. My flow has been pretty much the same with my RBTA but when I switched my spectrum from 10-12k to 14-20k, both RBTAs on that side of the tank bubbled. Sorry, not trying to hijack your sale thread. Free bump. :-)
  9. Bio has it down... low light... low flow.
  10. If its got green polyps, its a tricolor valida. If it has brownish to white polyps, it a purple valida. Looking more like the tricolor right now.
  11. Holy tentacles! That's a beauty! No sandbed left for that thing though so I will be missing out. Glws!
  12. Yeah, I will be removing my Austin Energy thermostat as soon as feasible. They have turned it off during every large get-together I have had at my house. Maybe its just me, but those weren't always "peak" hours.
  13. From my experience, they will do well at most lighting levels if they are acclimated. I tend to think they prefer moderate light levels like most LPS and not being blasted with light like my SPS prefer. You can actively feed them if you want but they are fine without. I don't feed any of mine and they are growing all over the place. Still one of my favorite corals!
  14. Perhaps the tapwater topoff? Are they still looking terrible? Maybe try RO/DI water from the store for a couple of months and see if you see a difference.
  15. Hey Grimreefer, Welcome back! If your wife is not the best at tank maintenance, perhaps a softie tank with some LPS? Just a simple water change every 2 weeks and clean the glass. I did that with my nanocube for 5 years with no issues. I did run a simple refugium in the back chamber to help with stability. Anyways, just an idea. Good luck with the new tank!
  16. Nothing like a night of Apex programming to get your brain some exercise

    1. ckyuv


      Tell me about it, Tim was helping me mess with it when I left your house then I got home and messed with it all night

    2. Richard L
    3. wizardx322


      Lmk if you need help

  17. I'd pay a whole lot of money for an add-on module if they ever come out with one that could read alkalanity.
  18. Now you are talking. Its good to have friends that drive trucks. :-)
  19. Thanks man. I may be hitting you up sometime in the fall.
  20. Are you mobile Jeremy? May need a metal stand shortened in the future. -Ty
  21. FarmerTy


    That would be awesome! I would give you a free frag for it but looks like you are leaving the hobby. You got PM. -Ty
  22. FarmerTy


    Selling the cardinal?
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