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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Frag pack #1 and zoa rock also pending
  2. Frag plug rock with zoas and one green ricordia: PENDING Has about 60 radioactive dragoneye polpys, 4 pink zippers, about 30 king midas, and some random nuclear greens. Asking $35
  3. War coral mini colony (encrusted on rock roughly 3" x 3"): $30 SOLD Another angle SOLD Mother colony SOLD
  4. Purple Valida colony 5" tall, about 3-4" wide multi-branch, $40 In background of this picture:
  5. Frag Pack B: $60 Warp Speed Monti Forest Fire Digitata Representative pic Tricolor valida Screaming green birdsnest Green fungia plate Small piece of strawberry fields monti cap - no pic (green base with red/pink polyps)
  6. We only needed 8 more when I first posted about the WP40 group buy. We just needed to hit that magic 48.
  7. So I put together a plan for the tank upgrade. Idea is to move the existing 125-gallon tank to the side so that I can setup the new 215-gallon tank in its place and take my time cycling as well as slowly moving corals over. I have an existing 180-gallon that I resealed which I will use as the hold tank while I remove rocks and corals and move the 125-gallon. I thought it was smart to do this all myself as my mind has not quite caught up to my body as to my actual age. Tank before move with canopy off: Here's my stock 180-gallon with all my precious corals in it: Picture of the stock 180-gallon with the precious cargo and the new temporary spot for the 125-gallon: Here's the 125-gallon after I have moved and replaced as best I could, the corals and the liverock: I'm still feeling the pain but at least I found out this old guy still has some moves left in him with moving that 125-gallon with about 4" of water in it, several live rocks, and 2" of sand. Next step, resealing my new tank (the 215-gallon), having Offroaddodge modify my stand, plumb my new tank, cycle live rock and sand, and slowly start transferring equipment/livestock. I'll eventually skin the metal stand but one step at a time. I am looking for function now and will follow suit with aesthetics later. I have a couple of accidental frags that I will post up sometime this weekend... perhaps after the frag swap/October meeting. Wish I can make it but my dad is popping into town so family first.
  8. In metal halide lighting, you can tell if it looks dull and faded that it is getting too much light. At least for most of them, maybe not all. I don't know LEDs so can't say from that perspective.
  9. If you knew the answer to that question, you'd be a millionaire. Maybe not, but nobody has a definite answer. Mine didn't bubble up for two years and then one day, it decided to bubble.
  10. I am sure there are horror stories of them taking your arm off and such but mine have always been well behaved and great additions to the tank.
  11. Beautiful coloring on the live rock! The anemone is where it likes it best... foot deeply entrenched in a hole and then it reaches out during the day and retreats back at night.
  12. FarmerTy

    Wp 40

    Check the group buy thread. I think 1 more is needed for the order to process from Phoenix. With shipping it will still be cheaper than buying new anywhere in the states right now.
  13. Go black, I think the overflows will blend better. If you go blue, I'm afraid those overflows will stick out like a sore thumb.
  14. Not sure, I know you can run 4 on a stock full version Apex and if you want to add more, you can add a VDM module. I know nothing of the Reef Angel controller.
  15. That's what I am doing now. Customization, really that's it. If you are happy with the random modes and the wave modes that comes with the stock controller, than you are fine. I just wanted to add different modes and the main reason is for programming flush modes and controlling what time certain modes come on. I have slow pulse currents at night, more turbid wave action during the lighted hours, with random flush modes flush 100% left and hopefully soon 100% right once the new pump gets in. The main benefit I notice is more even SPS growth (no one sided flow causing my SPS colonies lean) and better polyp extension. Plus the random modes help with detritus not settling anywhere.
  16. Whoops... typo. Ready for my other WP40 to come in from the group buy so I can get my flush mode on!
  17. Nice! Let us know how those MP60s work out!
  18. You mean ultra rare space dust? Or the kind that you get on your shoe when you make your first moon walk and gripe about bringing it into the shuttle?
  19. What did I pay with then? Gold bullion?
  20. I got one of Victolys magic cables and its working wonderfully. However, he made out like a bandit on frags with me if his going rate is GSP.
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