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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Looking good! In the process of doing the same thing myself. Where'd you get those schedule 80 gate valves from if you don't mind me asking?
  2. Pumps are in! They arrived in Arizona and the organizers will be shipping today or tomorrow to us individually. Just wanted to post this in case you ordered but didn't get an email from the organizers.
  3. Pumps are in! They arrived in Arizona and the organizers will be shipping today or tomorrow to us individually. Just wanted to post this in case you ordered but didn't get an email from the organizers.
  4. Your stocking sounds good to me, especially if you have an oversized skimmer like you mentioned. The naso for sure, and possibly the hippo tang will outgrow your tank but that'll give you an excuse to upgrade. I think the norm is 6' wide tank minimum since naso tangs are such active swimmers. A cube setup is nice for now but once they get bigger, they'll need that 6' width to stretch their fins a bit. I have a 125g and I have resisted a naso for 3 years now. Enter the new 215g that's coming soon... Tank looks great. Always a big fan of cube tanks as I came from a nanocube.
  5. That RO/DI unit put you in the right direction. Let me know when you want to try montis, got plenty of them. Once you SPS, you'll forget about the rest. You'll also do 5x as much work but I don't usually put that in the brochure. Haha.
  6. You need to come by and see the tank anyways. I'll lure you into the world of SPS!
  7. I'd be surprised if it grew in total darkness but it really doesn't need much light. If fact, if you have too much then it won't grow either.
  8. Those better be golden cheetos and diamond encrusted peanuts.
  9. Yikes! And I run my temperature warmer than normal at 82 degrees so that was a huge shock going from 82 to 74. Let me know if any don't make it and I'll replace them Clark! Glad you got to the bottom of this.
  10. No problem Offroaddodge! You're an in demand person and my fault for missing out. The stand you made for Offshore looks amazing!
  11. I'm still keeping my eye out for a 6' tank for you Kim! Be selling mine after the tank move but that won't happen until January probably with the snails pace that I am going with it. Tank looks great and I have filefish and fungia plate envy!
  12. I always liked the look of Halimeda but I've never been a macro in the DT type of guy. If I was to put a macro in the DT, it would be Halimeda for sure though. The main reason I removed Halimeda from my system was because it is a calcareous algae and I would prefer the Ca go to my SPS and not algae. Sorry algae, I do have a favorite... and it's not you.
  13. Aww man, Timfish, you muscled in on my free beer for putting the tank on the stand! Just kidding! Looks good in that spot!
  14. Quick update from organizers, they got an email saying that our order has moved to shipping but hasn't received tracking number yet. Best guess is they will ship Saturday from China. Thanks for your patience everyone!
  15. Quick update from organizers, they got an email saying that our order has moved to shipping but hasn't received tracking number yet. Best guess is they will ship Saturday from China. Thanks for your patience everyone!
  16. Tell me about it, mine's at 2,100 ppm.
  17. I just got Bruce Wayned. The day can only go up from here.
  18. Dino problem solved so I don't need any of your cyano now. Maybe post it in the free section in case you got another taker.
  19. I run a heater and clip on fans for my temperature control.
  20. Good catch Woods, my sump is wide enough that it caught most of the bubble popping splatter. If you have a tight setup, you may get the inside of your stand wet from all the popping bubbles.
  21. Hooray for heater season!!!
  22. Like most have stated already, healthy fish that were eating just fine before will survive it... some say better with garlic-soaked food. Purely anecdotal regarding the garlic soak as it hasn't been studied yet but but I soak in garlic as well just in case. I figure why not. Cleaner shrimp may help alleviate irritants on the infected fishes skin which may indirectly help with ich but I remember reading a study that examined stomach contents of cleaner shrimp that were cleaning ich infected fish and they never found any remains of ich parasites within the stomachs of the shrimp. I think that's just one of those old wives tales that perpetuates in the reefing world.
  23. If you don't have an air bubbler but do have a skimmer, removing the collection cup and letting it bubble over works as well for aerating the water during the treatment.
  24. It just dawned on me as I was dreaming about buying a new home that could house a 500g tank, how the heck do you glue frags to the rock? Would you need a scuba mask?
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