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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. It's called the Tybo TT40. The Tybo TT60 was going to be released in Spring of next year but we haven't found a production company that will produce straws of that size yet.
  2. I just remember something about evacuating the box at a really high rate of speed and if I remember my nano koralia correctly, that thing pushed less water than me blowing out water at the end of a straw.
  3. Not sure if the nano pump is going to give you enough push or not. Guess it would depend on the size of the box. The Tunze pump in the nano wavebox was pretty heavy duty if I remember correctly.
  4. Holes at the bottom of the container pulled through the soda lime and exit at the top tube. The bottom has been lifted off the ground to not restrict air flow with the holes being on the bottom.
  5. Adding the 2nd chamber and also rerouting the effluent to the skimmer section are the two options I was going to try. I'm sure there is some tweaking I could do to run my reactor more efficiently without just dumping tons of CO2 in it but I hadn't had a chance to experiment with that yet. I currently run at 6.35 pH for the effluent of the reactor which is super low compared to most. But it gets me my perfect 7.6 dKh so hard to argue with result.
  6. My results were not as sexy. My DIY CO2 scrubber Results Last peak on the 21st was when the CO2 scrubber was added. The two peaks before that were from when I opened all doors and windows and left them that way for the day. Days before that were justn normal days of low pH. Nothing juicy or exciting here. I guess we don't breathe as much in our house as much as Victoly does. I'll let it run for the week but I knew going in it might not have as much of an effect on my house since it's an older house (meaning leaky) and much of my pH suppression going on in my tank is from the CaRX. Now to address the CaRX output and minimize the CO2 being added to my system through that setup.
  7. I'd imagine they are arriving today hopefully.
  8. Hopefully those bad boys will show up today. I'm ready for some coordinated alternating of flow!
  9. That's just me being ridiculous. Anytime I see the progeny of my mother plate coral, I like to point it out because it makes me feel special.
  10. o0zarkawater - Is that a legacy TT fungia plate I see!
  11. I was hoping for more maniacal laughter. Like... muahahaha.
  12. Hallelujah! You know that rock would look really nice with some colored sticks on it. :-)
  13. They are usually non-aggressive to other tangs but it helps if they are the biggest tang in the tank so that none of the others mess with them either.
  14. How'd day 1 go Kim? Is the bryopsis shrinking away in fear?
  15. Didn't even notice the unintentional pun... pumped! Such a reef nerd.
  16. Tycredible is a bad road to go down. Your wife will leave you... your fish will not eat the food you feed them anymore... your dog won't even fetch the ball anymore if you throw it! WP40 is still pretty awesome to me. I'll have the other one in hand before the end of the week so I'm pumped about trying it in parallel with the one I have already. I mean, how can one not get excited about alternating flow? Nonreefers just don't understand!
  17. Gonna be experimenting with the same thing myself. Hopefully the CO2 scrubber will alleviate my pH woes.
  18. Kim, I'd increase about 100ppm per day. I'd imagine your current level of Mg is around 1300-1400 ppm. Just increase it to about 1800 ppm and see how the bryopsis is reacting. Typically, it will stop growing and then over a period 2-3 days will begin to turn clear. Remove what you can and I would maintain that 1800 ppm for about 2-3 weeks to be safe. Afterwards, just do a series of water changes until your Mg gets to a concentration that is closer to natural sea water. I have left mine at 2100 ppm with no ill effect other than the some of my montis faded and some of my snails have problems hanging on to the glass while resting. I don't intend to keep it this high but since I am moving to a new tank, I'd thought I'd save the water changes for when I fill out the new tank. Good luck and let me know if you have any questions. Remember to shake the bottle well before dispensing.
  19. This is a rebranded feeder by Neptune wired to work with the Apex. The original unit had good reviews. I think it was called the superfeeder or something like that.
  20. If the little guy would swim into a bag on command maybe...
  21. I'm sure the actinic wouldn't hurt but if it was me, I wouldn't even bother and just start with a day or so of no lights and slowly ramping up from there.
  22. I ran a combination of Tech M and a foxface. What I observed is none of my tangs and the foxface would touch the bryopsis but the minute I dosed the Tech M and saw the bryopsis start to get affected by it, the tangs and foxface went to town. My theory is the Tech M detoxified it and then my algae cleanup crew did its job of clearing my tank of it. You got PM Kim.
  23. Rule of thumb I go by is shortening photoperiod when switching to a new bulb and acclimating over a period of 1-2 weeks until returning to full photoperiod. I do that normally for direct replacement of exact same bulbs. If you are switching spectrum as well, I would give it an even longer acclimation period.
  24. Beautiful naso! If he was a blonde one, I'd be all over it!
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