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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I'm still waiting on you to put a dead fish on my counter... as it is good tradition in my country to return the favor of the dead fish on counter gesture.
  2. Just be careful as their packaging changed a few years back so there are special reef grade bags that have a mix of sizes (fine to coarse) versus the pretty homogenous size bags that I bought more recently.
  3. Special reef grade sand is what I settled with. Perfect balance of size particles, not too light to get blown around and not too big that it'll still allow sand burrowing animals to make use of it. I bought four 50lb bags from Petsmart, shipped, for under $120 during their free shipping special. Perfect for about a 2" sandbed in my new 215g once I set it up. I haven't gotten to try it yet but just looking at the grain size, I am already happy with the decision.
  4. I'd use weldon 4 or 16 for acrylic as it will actually melt it together. You got PM.
  5. Kim, I have observed that the higher Mg concentration in general in the tank is what causes the snails to lose their ability to hold on sometimes and not so much the amount dosed per day. I have still not lost a snail yet even at 2200 ppm but they do lose their grip every once in awhile and need a little assistance flipping back over.
  6. Pretty.... I can look at that thing all day!
  7. I wouldn't believe the 0.0 PO4 reading if you are looking at color scales. I read 0.0 for the longest time until I got a Hanna Meter. Then I realized my 0.0 is really 0.8 ppm. At 0.0, most of your corals would not look so good and some of your dirtier water loving corals would probably have died already. I know LPS aren't usually the biggest fans of your ultra low nutrient systems (ULNS) that have extremely low PO4 concentrations (<0.02ish). For reference Clark, my tank usually runs at 0.03 PO4 when everything plays nice and you've at least seen my tank. Hope that helps.
  8. I think for timing purposes, it's an individual order with shared shipping. The group buys take a bit to setup because you have to go back and forth with BRS and also get 10 emails and wait for them to confirm the group buy and send out emails. Be pretty difficult to achieve in time to order on Friday for the black Friday sale I would think but I am just assuming.
  9. Looking good Gig'em. Looks like you followed SOP for any house work. Step #1, protect the tank...
  10. Here's what the mating pair will go in one day once the new tank is setup. For now, hatch or not, they will get eaten up regardless unless one of them miraculously makes it into the sump. I doubt they will even grow to term as the male is not full grown yet and from what I read, they have better success when they are full grown and fattened up a bit before they brood the eggs in their mouths. He will probably swallow them up and abort early. Can't wait to get the new system up and setup the new breeder box. This is going to be a fun side project.
  11. Awesome!!! Keep it there for a few weeks (or month if you can) just to make sure you've eliminated it all. Congrats Kim!
  12. Yeah, I was emailed amongst others. His computer crashed due to the storms there last week so he requested everyone's address again. Hopefully before the holidays but we'll see.
  13. Clark, like everyone else said, no feeding needed. Just do your usual water changes and you are set.
  14. BRS is having 15% off for Friday as well. I'll be in for about $30-$60.
  15. MRC, I came across the name a bunch while doing my research for a new skimmer. Heard some great things about their skimmers and also their CaRX.
  16. Looks great. I'll be doing something very similar so its good to see another similar setup. Never thanked you for your response about the valves. Is that a euro reef skimmer?
  17. My Red Sea kit reads to 1600 and every 0.01 ml after that added 20 ppm of Mg. Victoly's method is a good idea as well.
  18. Bleh, I'm out trying to stop world hunger! I don't have time for your crazy charts!
  19. James - I'd never find the baby cardinals ever again in that 125g! Haha! I feel like a fishy grandpa!
  20. Out of sheer curiosity and as potential side hobby, I bought two Banghai cardinals and decided if I lucked out and got a male and female, I would breed them one day down the line. Lo and behold, today the smaller of the two didn't eat a single bite of all of those tasty looking mysid shrimp floating by him. I took a closer look and his mouth is bulging at the bottom. The banghai cardinals are mouth brooders and so this looks like a good sign. I doubt I'll do anything with the first brood as I am not setup for it yet but am excited knowing I got a breeding pair! Made my night! -Ty
  21. I take it back. Before opening windows and running CO2 scrubber, pH maximum was at most, 7.80. Today it hit 7.96... color me impressed. Combine that with running a 2nd chamber for the CaRX soon and I might be able to achieve 8.20-8.30 perhaps.
  22. There's always a lot of things to be thankful for in my own life, but in my reefing world, I wanted to pass along what I am thankful for: 1) All the great people on ARC that make this such a great place to spend my sparetime 2) Did someone say frags? 3) Group buys! 4) A cheaper alternative to awesome flow... go Jabeo! 5) Cheap $12 MH bulbs 6) FTS! 7) Videos of our tanks with awful music in the background to cover up the sounds of pumps and water splashing 8) Tank towels... for those ever present puddles of water on the ground 9) Being able to hold my breath long enough to empty the skimmer without getting a full whiff of it 10) cyano... may you keep the dinos at bay 11) montis... what else would I stack my acros colonies on top of? 12) a biological solution to almost every problem our tanks face 13) Finding fixer-upper tanks and giving them a new life 14) So many fish that it makes me dizzy trying to follow them all 15) Coral credit with people on the forum That's about all I came up with so far. I'm sure everyone else has better ones! Cheers! -Ty
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