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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. This guy was covered head to toe in grout when I saw him! True dedication! It was looking pretty awesome already and really opened up the living room. I don't envy you having to move that tank Gig'em!
  2. Awesome! Just in time for me to buy some salt! I got dibs on two buckets of Coralife salt! :-)
  3. Noooo!!! My mini brittle stars escaped without injury but I don't have any large stars to know if the treatment has side effects for starfish. Sorry for the loss Kim!
  4. The pukani rock is what I ordered to add to my system with the upgrade. I requested that they send show-sized pieces and they delivered. They looked great and very porous indeed.
  5. It'll keep them warm lifting those things towards the end of the week when its supposed to be colder.
  6. Now everyone is going to want a free piece of coral! Just kidding. You look like you're on the right track Clark!
  7. You're a brave man doing your leak check in the house! My wife would have sent the divorce papers before I could even turn on the hose! Looking good Offshore! Can't wait to start seeing it come together. I'm jealous of your sump space.
  8. FarmerTy

    Breaking down

    Great tank! It treated me well and helped me start my SPS obsession! GLWS!
  9. FarmerTy

    Hey everyone!

    Welcome to the club Tiffany! Unfortunately, we don't have builders in Austin I'm aware of but there is one in Dallas which isn't too far away. Wish I knew the name but I'm sure someone will chime in with it.
  10. All day! But in different modes. I programmed it with my APEX if you have the full version APEX or an APEX unit with the dimming module. Check out my old build thread for what I did. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/25278-jeepertys-non-build-build-thread/page-4 Before doing that, I left it in Else mode all the time and was happy with that. No APEX or programming needed.
  11. Slowly they'll all come back! Huzzah!
  12. Have you guys tried PMing him? Typically how it goes down with sale threads. When you PM them, it sends an email to the person. Higher chances of being seen, otherwise you have to wait until they check the thread again. Hope it helps.
  13. Hooray! I'll keep a lookout for mine today as well.
  14. Gotcha, well, I'll do a quick little summary of what I did to remove and reseal a pane of glass. Again, not an expert but it did work out for me so far. I'd prefer that my tank is field tested first to confirm results but passing the leak test was a good first step. Today will be a busy day but I will write up the summary tomorrow if you don't mind the wait. Have a happy holidays.
  15. The foxface should start chomping it soon as mine wouldn't touch it either until the bryopsis started to fade a bit. Then it was like an all you can eat buffet.
  16. Hi Reef Swimmer, I can't quite say I successfully resealed a large tank yet as I haven't put it to use yet but it passed the leak test with flying colors so I have good hope that it is going to work. If not, then I have good hope that my laminate floor will look better as a tiled floor. Check out my build thread for what I did. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/29288-jeepertys-215-gallon-sps-tank/ Off the recommendation of OffRoadDodge, I used Dow Corning 732 clear silicone. I just ordered it online. Took me about 2 tubes of silicone to do the reseal of the front glass but in my defense, the glass was 3/4" thick! I didn't go into too much detail on the build thread on what I did to prep the glass and remove the silicone so I will elaborate more here. My tank was only leaking on the front left side so I decided to remove the whole front pane of glass after an internal seal fix didn't do the job. If possible, I would try the internal seal replacement first and see if that works. You do that by cutting the internal seal from the corners/edges of the tank, leaving the silicone sandwiched between the glass alone. You are only removing the internal seal, not the joint seal. Here's a good guide I just found. http://www.aquarticles.com/articles/management/Spinelli_Resealing_Aquarium.html Quick note, don't use the silicone remover near any silicone that you are aiming to keep. It may help loosen the bonds and that's not good if you want that silicone to keep holding the glass it's been holding up to this point. If that internal reseal doesn't work, then I can run you through how to remove the pane of glass that is leaking and do a full reseal on that pane. Good luck and let us know how it goes! -Ty
  17. Wow, my brain is a little fried already today so I'll have to give this a good read in the morning. I'm a MH lover but I always have my ear to the ground for the LED train. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences!
  18. I'll keep my peepers out for it today Woods. Thanks for the update.
  19. Pretty sticks Sascha... you know you want them!
  20. "There is definitely a bug in my ear about converting to a full SPS tank. " -Hey, I resent being called a bug!
  21. I've gotten prompt responses usually from him. He updated about the delay without me prompting him and asked for my addess again.
  22. Agreed. As long as I kept up with my water changes, my little nanocube ran 5 years without a skimmer.
  23. First off, can I get a hooray for skimmers!? I rarely come across a Tank of the Month on those larger forums that doesn't use a skimmer. There are plenty of other ways to have a successful reef tank but skimmers sure do help. Anyways, back on subject. TLF 150 reactor: Biopellets Recommend: Yes, for the DIYer Pros: Can tumble media adequately when modified, cheap Cons: Has to be modified to work well without it gumming up and not tumbling anymore, fittings are loose and sometimes I fear the tubing will pop off without a crimp on it. TLF 150 reactor: GFO Recommend: Heck yeah! Pros: Not having to worry about your PO4 levels. Just change the media every month to month and a half and move on. Cons: Having to figure out when its spent and when to replace it. Wish it would come in color changing format. Bag: Carbon Recommend: Here and there usage, yes Pros: Absorb toxins in the water and clears up the yellow tint, don't have to worry about lateral line erosion as much in fish since it is passively being used in a bag Cons: It's a pain to rinse out all the carbon and refill that tiny bag all the time. Just complaining though... it's not terrible. Out of the 3, I would highly recommend GFO for those with PO4 issues. Biopellets is nice to reduce mostly nitrates but I'm not sure if it'll help everyone or is needed by everyone. I would at least recommend occasional use of carbon, especially in mixed reef tanks so reduce the level of toxins that may be in the tank from chemical warfare.
  24. For my next trick, I will levitate this cardinal fish...
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