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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Should be screaming green birdsnest and warp speed month.
  2. Looking pretty good sir! Those AIO tanks are definitely my favorites for nano tanks.
  3. Looking good bud. You are ready for those SPS now!
  4. FarmerTy


    I have some blue polyp digitata, forest fire, and ORA Jeremy's digitata (tan base, bright green polyps). And yes I do pay victoly a referral fee. Haha. -Ty
  5. I believe it is an algal turf scrubber. You can probably Google it for some good examples.
  6. Lenver, I am currently running my two WP-40s through my Apex with one of Victoly's famous cables if you have any questions about it or want to see it in action ever. PM me.
  7. Yeah, the Korallen stuff is too rich for my blood. I can only afford the crackers and not the caviar.
  8. And don't laugh at my paper artist rendering, it was the only phone editor app I have on my phone right now.
  9. We'll see how long the fungia plate still has his smile on him if there is a large cycle in the tank. Based on everything I did to help jumpstart the cycle, I don't anticipate a huge ammonia spike. I did one of my transfusions today of tank water and probably swapped about 10-15 gals of water between the two tanks. What should have been a simple water transfer with a tube I somehow Murphy'd it up good! I even followed my well illustrated gravity driven instructions below to the T! Put about a quart of water on the floor. Hopefully I will get better with time as this will be the first of many transfusions.
  10. I was going to say the same thing, watch them slap a big Neptune sticker on the Jaebo pumps and charge $150 for them like they did with the auto feeder. Don't get me wrong, I love their products but just wished they were more innovative with their "new" hardware instead of just rebranding and charging more.
  11. Tank is looking good! I with you, not easily swayed by miracle potions and stuff for the tank but I did notice a increase in growth rate and coloration when I started dosing amino acids. I currently use thr Red Sea energy formula with aminos acids and vitamins but was thinking of trying acropower on the new tank once its setup. Reefbuilders has been talking that acropower stuff up like a storm.
  12. Wow! Can we slap a tank of the month on that and call it a day? I'm in SPS and fungia plate heaven! Great aquascaping and kudos for keeping that back glass clean. It really makes the corals pop in the pictures.
  13. Thanks Long! Just like the Mars mission, I've convinced some corals to make the journey to the new tank and test out the new environment. Everything has been looking good and happy. I have a representative of each major type of coral I have, SPS, cap, zoas, fungia, yellow scroll, and mushroom. Funny thing is I basically dug around my sandbed for pieces of coral that broke off and threw it into the new tank sump to be my test subjects.
  14. 0.032 ppm is average natural seawater concentration of PO4. I aim for 0.020-0.030 ppm for my SPS tank. I have observed anything below 0.015 ppm tends to fade the colors of the SPS. I would HIGHLY recommend confirming your readings with another person's unit/LFS before making any changes. Twice in the last 5 months, I have confirmed that someone else's reading was in fact much higher than what their own unit was reading. One person was actually trying to raise his phosphates by overfeeding bases on his unit reading 0.00 ppm like yours. When I tested it, it was around 0.22 ppm! His SPS were STN'ing because of the elevated phosphate level and he was trying to still increase it based off a bad reading. That's why I highly recommend double-checking with someone else before taking any action. Hope it helps and good luck with the recovery.
  15. I would get that double-checked by someone else just to confirm. I am usually hesitant to believe a 0.00 ppm reading on the Hanna meters. I had both the ppm version and the ultra low ppb phosporus version. Know anybody else with one that can test your water? If that is correct, I would greatly ease up on GFO use. I think I remember you mentioning you run GFO. That may be what led to the death of your gorgonian if you have that low of a phosphate concentration. Never had a gorgonian but most corals will not tolerate ultra low phosphates, even SPS.
  16. Blue polyp digitata has a great reproductive strategy for survival, the ability to frag itself at leisure. I used to sneeze near my tank and it would break and fall over.
  17. I think we're tank twins. I have the same Oceanic tank as well. Awesome upgrade and great stand work!
  18. Oh good, then the code I gave you should work then. Changed my mind on my order. PMed.
  19. I know, I'm still trying to get an answer about being able to use my credit on a group buy!
  20. Base removal is a common practice for SPS to avoid AEFW eggs since they tend to lay them along the dead skeleton at the base of the coral. I don't buy large colonies but if I did, I would snap them at the base and reglue as well. Check your phosphates. I've usually encountered base tissue necrosis at around 0.2-0.3 ppm.
  21. Next thing you're gonna tell me is popping your collar up and wearing your sunglasses inside isn't hip anymore.
  22. Man, just realized there's a new firmware already. I just updated to 4.30 like a month ago! There's 4.31 out now! I'm so behind!
  23. I saw that last night in my options and thought I was seeing things. Thanks for confirming!
  24. The link takes me to the album pages.
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